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Old 01-11-2007, 04:52 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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the digital powerbars can be connected to S1-S4. This port can programmed to control standard OR digital powerbars. Because the digital powerbars can be "daisy-chained" up tp 4 digital powerbars only need one port.
The other port, S5-S8, is always suitable for standard powerbars! So a mixed setup is possible.
For the use of digital powerbars a firmware-update is neccessary. Firmware 3.00 + new manual will be available soon for download. Besides the digital powerbar support we added a lot of new nice features, eg extended controlling options for heating, pH....
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Old 01-11-2007, 05:02 AM
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they are using the tunze 1 and tunze 2 cables, one is installed in L1-L2 and the other installed in L3-L4, 1-10v port 1 is set to current pump1 and 1-10v port 3 is set to current pump2, random flow, min volt4 and max volt 10, nocturnal decrease to 30%, max flow of both pumps 100% and min flow of both pumps 40%. wave 30s, min duration 30min max duration 1hr 30min (unsure exactly the use of this setting but that is what it is set ). i believe that is all the settings they are set to. let me know if i missed something that you need to know

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Old 01-11-2007, 07:58 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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i think i found the mistake.
Cable ProfiLuxTunze1 uses L1 (or L3 when used in L3L4), cable ProfiLuxTunze2 uses L2 (or L4 when used in L3L4). So we have two different Tunze-cables, they can be connected to one port (eg L1L2) using an Y-adapter, then L3L4 would be free for other purposes.
That means in your case: 1-10V port 1 (=L1) and 1-10V port 4(=L4!) should have function pump 1 and pump 2! (Assuming you connected Tunze1 to L1L2 and Tunze2 to L3L4, otherwise we talk about the 1-10V-ports 2 and 3).
So please configure 1-10V-interface 4 - then it should run.
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Old 01-11-2007, 05:27 PM
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thanks matthias, this will probably drive you nuts, but with the cables out of the bag is there markings one them to determine which one is tunze cable1 and tunze cable 2? now that i have been swapping them to troubleshoot i dont which is which.

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Old 01-12-2007, 06:35 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Then you must test it out.
Eg. in the following manner:
Plug in first cable: L1L2 to tunze
Set function of 1-10V-interface1 to dimm channel 1
Set function of 1-10V-interface2 to dimm channel 2
(the voltages can remanin)
Go to menu "manual light intensity"
switch off auto - yes
Dimm up and down D1 and D2
Reacts the pump on D1 or D2? Then you know it is Tunze1 or Tunze2
(The other cable is then also clear)
Don't forget to set again the 1-10V interfaces you need to pump1/2
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Old 01-12-2007, 06:53 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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Here answers on some questions i have been asked via PM:

"I'm assuming the easiest way for the connection to be made over the internet would be to install the Profilux Control & the redirector on the computer you are using (away from home) and then just make sure your router at home is setup to allow outside traffic to reach your Profilux?
Another option would be remote control software to use your computer at home to access the profilux... but this would require you to leave your computer at home on at all times. "
- Absolutely correct

" Is there any other way to do it, that I'm not thinking about?"
- I don't think so

"Are you interested or considering developing a web interface for the Profilux? I think it would be very beneficial and satisfy the wants of a lot of customers.. atleast in the North American crowd. (not sure about the european crowd)"
- Yes, it is possible to program a specific web interface (eg using cgi), at the moment we just have not enough time to do this because of developing a lot of other stuff. But it will come.

"Questions on tunze controls.. The tunze multicontroller has a setting that allows you to run 1 pump on a steady flowrate and the other on a flucuating flow rate and then at a set interval time they switch roles. Eg. Current Pump 1: 30%, Current Pump 2: 30%-100%, Switch Interval (X)hours. Would it be possible to include this control program into the Profilux? The best reason for this is you never have 1 pump turned completely off, and this helps greatly with reduced buildup and cleaning of pump internals."
- Of course you can. You must see we have waves (the percentages, eg Min 30% Max 100%) and ebb-tide (on/off, on means oscillating between Min and Max, but off doesn't mean a completely shutdown but remaining at the Min). I think i explained it very detailled in the manual.

"I also noticed that you mentioned to set the pump voltages from 3v-8v, is there any reason not to set them from 1v-12v ?"
- We measured the output of the original controllers. They have a voltage swing of about 3..8V
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Old 01-12-2007, 07:03 AM
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thanks again matthias. youve been a great help.

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Old 01-12-2007, 09:10 PM
MNSPS MNSPS is offline
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Default Profilux switching cycles per day?

I have a question regarding the clock timer functionality. I would like to connect two dosing pumps for adding a two part calcium additive. How many switching cycles per day does the Profilux allow? I beleive I read four but I would like to verifiy. It would be nice to be able to have 24 switching cycles per day especially when it comes to using dosing pumps.
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Old 01-12-2007, 11:23 PM
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i'm not sure myself but in the menu when it asks how many cycles per day just try and increase it to as many as it will allow, and then you'll know.

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Old 01-13-2007, 07:19 AM
Matthias Gross Matthias Gross is offline
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up to 8 cycles per day.
In firmware 3.00, going to be released soon, will be new features regarding dosing and controlling.
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