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Old 05-24-2009, 02:19 AM
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One big tuna. I was going to try and make a list tonight. I really like the idea of keeping species that co-exist with others, like the clown with an anemone. Or some gobys with shrimp. Love triggers, tanks is to small though and I hear there not overly reef friendly (New tank) That being said I am also very open to suggestions.Im going to throw a makeshift list on here so people can chime in with all their knowledge.

Percula Clown
Banggai Cardinal
Im so so on the dwarf angels, prefer the true angels but im pretty su re my tank size is too small
Raccoon or Copperband Butterflyfish (may be to small for a copperband)
Leopard Wrasse
Would love a surgeonfish (Its there any that will be suitable for a 90g Reef tank)
Regal Tang - Again Ive been told that my tank may be a bit small
Mandarin Dragonet
There are some nice Grammas as well
And some sort of Goby.

Like I said makeshift, I need to crack open a book I have on marine fish here tonight and do a little more homework.
Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-25-2009, 07:43 PM
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Ive been keeping the lighting off for the time being. Blasting the LR with water every second day or so to remove the dying matter. The ammonia levels have been holding in the .25 to .50 PPM range. Im expecting more of a spike due to the die off from lack of light here in the next week or so. Ive read that the coralline algae takes off in the dark as everything else around it dies, that being said I have seen some new spots of it speraticly around the tank. Ive also seen some of the existing coralline turn from that dark reddish purple to white. I was going to siphon off the debris in the sand here today, no water change, just through a filter sock back into the sump. Definitely would like to pick up a couple more power heads to cover a few of the dead spots behind the rock work. What sort of time line should I start running for the lighting and when? I know I should start off with a few hours a day and slowly increase it over time until I reach the max. But what should I be looking for to start that out, after the Nitrate cycle? Also what levels of ammonium should I expect to see? I know this is dependent on how much die off there is, but Ive been reading that anything over 2 PPM and I should be doing a water change. Im a ways off of 2 PPM but knowing in advance cant hurt.

Thanks in advance.
Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-25-2009, 08:55 PM
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Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:50 AM
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Stocking list v2.0
Pair Percula Clowns
Banggai Cardinal
Yellow swallowtail Angel
Leopard Wrasse
Purple Tang
Strawberry Dotty
Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-26-2009, 04:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Blom View Post
Yay work

And how exactly is moving all these things from BC to Sask cheating? I think you got cheated on your cheating!
Hahaha!! Because I'm paying someone else to do it!!!

Where did you get your rock anyway? Great pieces.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 05-26-2009, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Hahaha!! Because I'm paying someone else to do it!!!

Where did you get your rock anyway? Great pieces.
Picked it up at Red Coral, was able to pick through 500+ lbs I would guess. I love that store
Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-27-2009, 10:39 PM
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Water Parameters:
Temp - 76F
SG - 1.025
pH - 8 (closer to 7.9)
NH3/4 - 0 PPM
NO2 - 0 PPM
NO3 - 5 PPM
Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-31-2009, 03:10 AM
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Updated Water Parameters:
Temp 78F (Brought it up a wee bit)
SG - 1.025
NH3/4 - 0PPM
NO2 - 0PPM
NO3 - 4PPM
pH - 8.0

Im just waiting on my freshwater Tub, and the Aquacontroller Jr. I ordered. Maybe then a clean up crew

Getting exciting!
Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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Old 05-31-2009, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Blom View Post
One big tuna. I was going to try and make a list tonight. I really like the idea of keeping species that co-exist with others, like the clown with an anemone. Or some gobys with shrimp. Love triggers, tanks is to small though and I hear there not overly reef friendly (New tank) That being said I am also very open to suggestions.Im going to throw a makeshift list on here so people can chime in with all their knowledge.

Percula Clown
Banggai Cardinal
Im so so on the dwarf angels, prefer the true angels but im pretty su re my tank size is too small
Raccoon or Copperband Butterflyfish (may be to small for a copperband)
Leopard Wrasse
Would love a surgeonfish (Its there any that will be suitable for a 90g Reef tank)
Regal Tang - Again Ive been told that my tank may be a bit small
Mandarin Dragonet
There are some nice Grammas as well
And some sort of Goby.

Like I said makeshift, I need to crack open a book I have on marine fish here tonight and do a little more homework.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but a Raccoon Butterfly would probably eat most of the coral you put in the tank. They generally are not Reef Safe.

Rock work looks great though... Look forward to see it fill up.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

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Old 06-01-2009, 12:08 AM
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This is kind of what im going for as an end result. 90g Display with 45G Breeder as a sump (Those are in place and cycling). A 20G Poly tank for RO storage and an eventual 20G above. I will plumb the 20G to my sump and use it as a QT for starters. Then when all is said and done it will be turned into a seahorsey tank. The 20g Poly tank will only be used as a RO reservoir, it will have a drainage plug a little higher than half way up to allow for it to be drained into a 5g bucket. Ill still have to mix my SW in buckets, just not enough room.

Tyson Bloom

28G JBJ Cube Last Tank

Seriously shopping around for a new tank
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