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Blom 04-22-2009 03:35 PM

First ever Saltwater, 90g
Hello guys,

I am fairly new to the forum, first post on canreef. But I have been cruising around learning as much as I can. I have been running a 90g planted Freshwater community tank for just over a year now and have really enjoyed the heck out of it. I find myself very distracted by the tank and find myself running behind on just about everything else cause I get caught staring for hours. So I have decided to try my hand at at saltwater, with this build I am mainly trying to learn as much as I can about the workng of keeping a reef tank. This is because a goal of mine a few years down the road it to have a fairly large tank (350+g).

So I went out and picked up a 90g tank /w a stand from one of the long time members on the forum (kwirky, I am sure I will still be learning through your previous posts on this forum and thanks for the tank.. Solid Stand!!) Also I picked up a new 40g on my way home from for the sump. Ive read, and read, then I read some more. Joined 20000+ forums HA (And seem to receive email form most.. great). Exams just finished for me yesterday so I have some free time to work on the tank, weather allowing. I am planning on getting the 90g drilled at either riverfront or big als here in Calgary and DIY sump. Im just trying to decide how to run the overflow, to herbie or not to herbie that is the question. Im not interested in the gained flow rate as I am planning two drains in both back corners. But I might like the idea of how quite I hear the herbie is. I dont have any other friends on the hobby so I am not overly sure how loud the overflow will be in the first place (Any comments on this topic would be great!). The other thing im trying to work out is whether to drill for the return line or just run it over the top of the tank, I haven't been able to find much on the net about that. Ill use my education to deduce that drilling the tank would lower the hight I have to pump my water which will decrease the head pressure, but realisticly the extra foot could just be tackled by a bigger pump with the money I saved on drilling the two holes. I also imagine that people are doing it for athstetic reasons. So plumbing ideas or tips would be great.

I will continue to post with progress and picture eventually when there is something to take a picture of :) Thanks in advance for all the comments and help I have already received or I am sure will receive.


fishytime 04-22-2009 03:46 PM

First of all welcome to becoming an official poster.

I wouldnt plumb a tank any other way except with a herbie. Very quite and easy to adjust. If you looking for ideas, check out the first couple pages of my tank journal thread. Oh yeah*whispers* "we drill tanks too":biggrin:

Blom 04-22-2009 04:03 PM

Hello and thanks,

I can honestly say that I was up till about 3am last night going through your tank build journal, and it looks great. I dont know if I would find the noise bothersome, but quick and easy adjustments sound fantastic. I knew people would find this out sooner or later but I have never been to Red Coral, nor do I even know where it is. I know... Im ashamed hah. Maybe I will try and swing by there sometime today, with all this new found free time the world is my oyster.

Blom 04-24-2009 03:35 AM

Well Ive made it by RC and hung out for a while, Kevin is great. He helped me out with a few things design wise and totally got me amped for the new tank. Picked up a Sedra 9000 for my return while I was there, so all the pieces are starting to somewhat fall into place. Got all the materials to finish off the stand so I have been plugging away in the garage. Again I will post pictures when there is something to look at :)

Again thanks for all the help Kevin!

JDigital 04-24-2009 03:44 AM

Nice to meet you at RC today... Excited to see how this tank comes along. I'd also recommend the herbie overflow.. Mine is deadly silent, the only noise I can hear from my tank is the Closed Loop pump, but after awhile I don't even notice it anymore..

Good Luck with the build!

Myka 04-24-2009 05:05 AM

Can't wait to see some pics in this thread!!! Welcome to CanReef! And I'm glad you made it to RC...they are good guys there. :)

Rbacchiega 04-24-2009 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 414137)
Can't wait to see some pics in this thread!!! Welcome to CanReef! And I'm glad you made it to RC...they are good guys there. :)

Except for that Doug....he's a little on the wacky side if you ask me :wink:

fishytime 04-24-2009 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 414164)
Except for that Doug....he's a little on the wacky side if you ask me :wink:

I resemble that remark and am comfortable with my wackyness.:silly:

Blom 04-25-2009 06:36 AM

It was nice to meet you as well Josh. The stands coming along nicely, got my glass for the sump baffles today. Ill post some pics of that when its done.

es355lucille 04-25-2009 01:25 PM

Welcome to the forum! and welcome to the world of salt water addiction!


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