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Old 06-14-2016, 08:18 PM
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Exclamation Killing Dory - 30G "Blue Tang" kit with FREE DORY

So, it has begun. Pardon my English but I just came across a facebook ad where some dumb ass in the states is advertising a 30 Gallon starter kit with a FREE Hippo tang.

This is ridiculous.

How many Hippos do you think this one store will help kill? How many more stores will do this?

Not only is a 30 gallon way too small but a starter kit. Obviously! A freaken starter kit? They are pushing Hippos to beginners. They include the WATER, so you're suppose to fill the tank and add a Hippo on the same day??

Listen, I'm in this for the money as well. I'm a business owner, in the end I'm looking to make the most money I possibly can. That is my job, that is all I do. I however do this responsibly and with a clear conscience.

I to am hoping to profit from "dory". This movie will most certainly spark the interest of new clients and existing ones. It is however up to us store owners to educate our clients in keeping animals ALIVE. We have a responsibly and hope that whom ever we help get into this hobby will be successful and will be in it long term!

/ End rant!


Last edited by Reef Supplies; 06-15-2016 at 12:54 PM. Reason: 30G not 60!!
Old 06-14-2016, 08:57 PM
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I completely agree with your rant Ray.

You are a business and your in it to make money but it's how that money is made is how your judged by. A responsible business owner might lose some sales by telling the truth but gets a dedicated customer base that can only grow an irresponsible business owner takes the money regardless of the outcome and may or may not be around for some time and people will pay the price affecting the industry as a whole. Sadly there are a lot of businesses like that and the responsible business owners pay the price for their competitions greed.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
Old 06-15-2016, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
I completely agree with your rant Ray.

You are a business and your in it to make money but it's how that money is made is how your judged by. A responsible business owner might lose some sales by telling the truth but gets a dedicated customer base that can only grow an irresponsible business owner takes the money regardless of the outcome and may or may not be around for some time and people will pay the price affecting the industry as a whole. Sadly there are a lot of businesses like that and the responsible business owners pay the price for their competitions greed.
It gets better. When I wrote the post I accidently wrote 60G, the ad is actually for a 30 gallon!
Old 06-15-2016, 01:07 PM
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I agree completely Ray! I'm also hoping to make a few bucks off the Finding Dory movie, and I will also be doing it responsibly and with a clear conscience. It's too bad that there are people in the world like the one you're describing that make it difficult for people like us to convince people what a proper "Dory Tank" looks like.
~ Mindy

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Old 06-15-2016, 10:21 PM
sberry sberry is offline
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I saw the ad too it was quite sad and irresponsible. It has since been removed after being bombarded with comments and his store reviews getting trashed. (kinda overkill, but if you're going to promote poor husbandry its kinda deserved.) The clownfish portion is also kinda sad.

My LFS won't sell my any tang in good conscience. I joke every time I go in with something like 'is that vlamingi tang ok in my 55?'

In case anyone wanted to see the ad:
I edited it to protect the....guilty?

Old 06-16-2016, 12:55 AM
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Originally Posted by sberry View Post
I saw the ad too it was quite sad and irresponsible. It has since been removed after being bombarded with comments and his store reviews getting trashed.
Good! Shameful!
~ Mindy

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Old 06-16-2016, 01:53 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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At least the people who fell for this marketing ploy received a "coupon" for a tang they could pick up later, but still, its incidents like these that will cause havoc for this industry with greater regulations and restrictions affecting everyone, not just the irresponsible vendors.
Old 06-16-2016, 02:11 AM
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Just out of curiosity, is this Canadian or US?
Old 06-16-2016, 06:00 AM
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
Just out of curiosity, is this Canadian or US?
Old 06-17-2016, 08:02 PM
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