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Old 05-17-2016, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by IanWR View Post
This OP never engages in these threads beyond the first post.
This has been my experience too. I asked the OP a few questions on their Copperbanded Butterfly thread and got crickets. I suspect you'll get crickets in this thread too. By all means, discuss among yourselves but don't expect the OP to be involved in the discussion It's too bad really. I'm normally foruming on my tiny phone screen so I don't want to watch YouTube videos. I would rather read and discuss the topic.

My tank has lost power quite a few times in the past 7 years. The longest it was without power continuously without supplemental intervention (backup power/generator) was probably 24 hours. Tank never crashed. Corals and fish weren't happy but the entire system didn't.. wait for it.. .. tank (pun intended).
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Old 05-17-2016, 03:43 PM
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this video freaked me out. Just wondering how popular/ useful are those back up battery packs that lfs sell to run your powerhead at 35% for "X" hours?

BTW I too have looked at the posters videos online. I find it funny she had to make/ post a video titled "exactly how rich am I"

guess she got a lot of haters lol
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Old 05-17-2016, 03:48 PM
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I just want to be clear, and I'm 98% sure everyone else feels the same way, that I feel devistated for her loss! It totally sucks and is a gut wrenching feeling to know something went wrong with your system.

The social media hustle is quite apparently a part of her thing and so be it. People become rich off social media nowadays, good on her for trying. But to string people along and draw out our sympathy into another video view is pretty rough. I for one can honestly say I will not click on a loumaggs post on any forum I see now. I have zero hate for loumaggs, I just don't want to be a part of that process more than I already have been.

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Old 05-17-2016, 04:15 PM
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There are far more educated and experienced reef keepers on YouTube that I DON'T watch.
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Old 05-17-2016, 04:50 PM
Reeferluke Reeferluke is offline
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
There are far more educated and experienced reef keepers on YouTube that I DON'T watch.
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Old 05-18-2016, 04:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Scythanith View Post
I just want to be clear, and I'm 98% sure everyone else feels the same way, that I feel devistated for her loss! It totally sucks and is a gut wrenching feeling to know something went wrong with your system.

The social media hustle is quite apparently a part of her thing and so be it. People become rich off social media nowadays, good on her for trying. But to string people along and draw out our sympathy into another video view is pretty rough. I for one can honestly say I will not click on a loumaggs post on any forum I see now. I have zero hate for loumaggs, I just don't want to be a part of that process more than I already have been.

Yup, pretty much.
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Old 05-18-2016, 06:07 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is online now
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Personally, I have no problems with any of these videos.

Also, when I had a devastating tank crash due to a Marine Velvet outbreak, it took the heart out of me with regards to this addiction. I was ready to throw in the towel. But I didn't make a hasty decision when I was feeling devastated by the losses. Instead, I took some time out to think if I still had it in me to continue. It was actually my wife who encouraged me to take a bit of a break and try again. For the OP, stating that she hasn't made up her mind whether or not to restock and start over after this massive tank wipeout is the same situation I went through (although I'm not a YouTube kinda guy). If she has a lot of "online followers" then its a logical step to state that she will make her decision later and post it on a future video. How else would someone who posts videos online regularly do it? If I usually text my ideas or opinions to my fishie friends, then I would text that I will let them know by text once I make up my mind on a fairly significant decision. So to me, this is the same thing, except she does things by video. I don't see anything "sinister" in mentioning at the end of this video that she'll let everyone know her final decision in a future vid.

For the record, I have posted on some of her earlier videos and the OP did respond back both by post and PMs. If she posts links to her videos on 75 forums (as another member stated earlier) I'm sure its a very time consuming chore to respond to every thread on every forum. I am only on BCAquaria and Canreef (regularly in terms of fish forums) and its sometimes not easy to keep up with everything going on with just two forums. I believe she's in the UK so Canreef is a foreign site to her, so one she will less likely to post on or visit as regularly as UK fish sites.

BTW, I have read a lot of threads on both my "home" forums where someone posts a question or opinion in a new thread and never responds back to follow up postings, so again, not a big deal. Why get offended or consider try to find something sinister behind it? Seems a waste of energy to me, since lots of members are more lurkers than posters. After all, I belong to a citrus growers forum which I visit occasionally and it is often weeks between posts for me on that forum, since its not one of my main "home" forums.

Also, if my tank was just wiped out, the last thing I would be doing is deciding if I should still buy a Copperband Butterfly fish, which are notoriously tricky to keep under optimal conditions.

Just my opinion.

Anybody who doesn't want to watch any future videos by the OP is following their own inclinations and opinions. Just seemed the comments on this thread were becoming too one-sided for me to stand on the sidelines and not post my own comments.

loumaggs, hope this tank crash does not discourage you from resetting up your system, but with more backups to prevent future problems.

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Old 05-18-2016, 06:10 AM
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Well said Anthony
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 05-18-2016, 06:30 AM
loumaggs loumaggs is offline
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Originally Posted by soapy View Post
Well thats sad to hear.

A few questions out of curiosity,

How long was the power out? 4hrs? Slightly more

What is you total system volume? 1100 litres

How many fish? Too many apparently

How did the inverts fair and which ones do you have if any? Fine until ammonia spike
Answered above
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Old 05-18-2016, 06:31 AM
loumaggs loumaggs is offline
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Originally Posted by hfp75 View Post
My apex would send an email & txt when communication is lost......

Then I have T - however long to get my inverter running....

I had the power go out like 3 years ago for 4 or 5 hours and everything was fine (I was on vacation when it happened and my tank sitter was unaware). I think it depends on a few factors.....

Number and size of fish, volume of water & outside / room temp..... As well have a back flow / check valve so your tank doesn't all run into a sump that can't handle the increased volume.
Apex is something I'll look into if I do continue
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