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![]() I liked the idea of a refugium and tried it with the trigger system Elite sump that has the built in fuge. In the end I could never get it to work out properly and ended up shutting it down and leaving it running just water. I try to put some LPS into my tank where possible as my extra filter cleaning. I was talking to a few guys that swear that using xenia's in the fuge area does more.
RSM 250. Clownfish, Fox face, Blue tang, Yellow tang, Kole tang, Clown tang, Coral beauty angel, French Angel, splendid dottyback. CUC, softies, lps, sps. |
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Funny thing is I've seen this same comment made in the past about skimmers, algae scrubbers, carbon, phosphate reducing media, you name it. Everything we seemingly can add to our tanks have positives and negatives but do the positives outweigh the negatives? |
![]() I just seeded a bunch of live rock in the sump with pods... I think cheato or macro have benefit but only on large scale.. i personally dont think the tiny fuges that most of us run have a huge advantage on nutrient levels.. Pods is about the biggest benefit if you have a mandarin or pipe fish (i have both! haha)
ReefDudes Shallow Reef Tank | Fusion 30L Tank Log | DIY FishTankProjects | Arduino Auto Doser | Fluval Edge nano Reef |
![]() Guess I could clean out my fuge and see if my nitrates go up, thatd be the only sure fire way to know for sure...
![]() Let us know the results if you try it
ReefDudes Shallow Reef Tank | Fusion 30L Tank Log | DIY FishTankProjects | Arduino Auto Doser | Fluval Edge nano Reef |
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1. You don't need one. It's not like this is a matter of replacing something either, you just straight up can run a beautiful, healthy tank fuge free. 2. When you do have one, there are diminishing returns on its usefulness as a filter compared to just doing water changes and having good flow/skimmer. 3. They collect detritus over time. This is just more maintenance. 4. They take up resources (space, electricity, money, etc). Given that I can run two tanks side by side, fuge/no fuge and end up with more or less the same results after a year, I'm of the motivation that they are completely dispensable.
This and that. |
![]() I enjoy having a refuge. Just for the idea of having a second different ecosystem. Sort of like having the mangrove swamp next to the lagoon and reef. I love looking in there and seeing thousands of pods and mysids cavorting amongst the macros and fan worms day and night.
![]() If you want to keep Mandarins, or leopard wrasses, etc., you will a better success rate if you have a refugium.
AquaAddict |
![]() Does macro alage actually do anything to help pods grow or would a chamber of love rock grow pods just the same ?
ReefDudes Shallow Reef Tank | Fusion 30L Tank Log | DIY FishTankProjects | Arduino Auto Doser | Fluval Edge nano Reef |
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A bunch of live rock rubble is better housing for a bunch of pods than chaeto imo. When I grew chaeto I never found any pods inside of it. |