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Old 03-19-2016, 05:35 AM
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Default My Very First Journal - Gina's 150 gallon upgrade

Wahoo my very first journal!

I haven't decided if I am totally crazy for going with a 150 yet or not.
I look forward to getting to fill it with even more corals and perhaps a few new fish

This will be a bit of a learning curve as I have always done things.... simple.
I still intend to keep things on the more simple side, but with a few upgrades perhaps.

So I figured since we have limited space I wanted to stick within a 4ft footprint, and cramming as much water into that space as I could led me to a 150. 48 x 24 x 31. I may just need to invest in some snorkel gear....
This will be quite a change from my little 65 that I can barley do things in with out getting soaked.

I am pretending I have a budget for this upgrade. I don't know what that budget is, but there is a budget....

Nothing fancy however. I plan to stick with what has worked reasonably well for the last 4 years

Goodbye with the old...

And hello to the new!!!

Let the adventure begin!

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Old 03-19-2016, 05:37 AM
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I plan to transfer all the fish. I'm quite fond of all of them.
Could be interesting trying to catch them all....

My shiny new tank is sitting at J&L waiting for me.
I've got my pumps and powerheads ordered. I'm going with Jebao for most of those.
I also ordered myself a dosing pump! I think it's time I start dosing with how much coral I plan to cram in my tank.

My brand new lights are sitting in the middle of the living room..... All ready made a mess, whoops!

Not sure what I'm going to do for a sump yet either.... urgh... I just want to get the tank in the house and set it up! But 1 step at a time I guess

I have always hated how delicate looking the matching stands are for aquariums, so I decided I wanted to build one. I have no building skills. But thankfully Daniel was able to come through for me in the midst of his massive kitchen reno and build me the bare bones frame of my stand! Wahoo! The important part is done! Now I get to make it pretty.

Okay so I haven't taken any kind of woodworking class since Middle School.... Hmmmm....
This could be interesting....
I'm not that great with power tools.....

So far so good though. I still have all my fingers!!!
Only got part way done with the exterior of the stand today. Then dinner was more important. Will hopefully finish it tomorrow then stain it!

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Old 03-19-2016, 02:48 PM
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Looking great so far! Keep the pics coming, we all love pics. I gather from another post you made you don't live too far away from me. If you need help with anything (I'm a carpenter with more tools and wood than I know what to do with some days) let me know
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Old 03-19-2016, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Looking great so far! Keep the pics coming, we all love pics. I gather from another post you made you don't live too far away from me. If you need help with anything (I'm a carpenter with more tools and wood than I know what to do with some days) let me know
While I do live and work in Qualicum Beach, my tanks are all in Poco and hopefully I can snag a position back in the lower mainland within the next year or so. I'm pretty sure my landlord would kill me if I brough home a 150 there shes quite content that I didnt move in with my snake so she has allowed me my 2 bettas and their tanks.

I am quite pleased with how well the tanks do while I am not around. (Knock on wood....) But they are something that my parents actually enjoy so they can learn and help look after then when I am not around.

Guess I should get out of bed and start working on my stand again. Perhaps I can finish up and make it to the meetup at the pub later.
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Old 03-20-2016, 03:34 AM
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Stands almost done.
Going to leave the doors for another day.
I started staining it and making a massive mess outside while I got my dad to cut the plywood for my base. We split it so it would go in easier. Not the prettiest thing in the world but itll work. I will use the mitre saw, but I'm not a fan of our table saw so I keep away from that one.

And I might have cut some of the panel pieces that will go below the door a smidge too short (for where the moulding would end up getting nailed to them) so that's the reason behind the stupid alternating look. Itll all be hidden.

Gave the inside a coat of bathroom paint, the same paint I used on the inside of my current tanks stand. I will still probably add a plastic liner under the sump to make my mother happy.

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Old 03-20-2016, 04:10 AM
kyl kyl is offline
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Saw your tank at J&L today, makes the 60 I'm working on look tiny.. Grats on the setup taking shape!
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Old 03-20-2016, 04:24 AM
AquaAddict AquaAddict is offline
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Congratulations as well on your new upgrade. I am also upgrading to a 150 gal so I will be taking special interest in your journal.


PS Watch for my journal later on.
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Old 03-20-2016, 05:26 AM
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That was your tank at J&L? That thing stopped me in my tracks yesterday when I saw it!
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Old 03-20-2016, 06:00 AM
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Build is looking awesome Gina !!

Really like your tank 'skinning' work

Keep up the good work

Looking forward to it becoming wet !!

Don't forget ...
If you need a hand on Sunday, I have a truck and 2 hands ...
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Old 03-20-2016, 06:17 AM
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Tomorrow we will likely go pick the tank up as soon as J&L opens. Then I can go grab the plumbing I need for it, and get the back painted. Going to give the paint a chance to dry before we get it moved into the house.

I will totally take all the help I can get, this thing is heavy + stairs. But I don't want people waiting around while the thing drys lol
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