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Old 02-10-2016, 04:44 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Default COOKED!!

Woke up this am and stepping out of the bedroom, I was hit with an unfortunately familiar smell.

I already knew what happened, I just didn't know which tank or how.

Went to check them all and could immediately see my spare RSM130 looking cloudy.

Turns out, the stock Red Sea heater (I had just bought a few months ago from Aquariums West and never used) that I had just installed on Monday had gone into overdrive and had cooked the tank overnight.

There were only a few mushrooms in there along with some LR so no biggie...hate to see anything die in my captivity but still a best case scenario for the situation.

Now I'm going to get a controller.


Will have to see....everything I currently have is Apex but it's all pretty old screens galore.

Lots of peace of mind regardless of brand.
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Old 02-10-2016, 06:37 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
Woke up this am and stepping out of the bedroom, I was hit with an unfortunately familiar smell.

I already knew what happened, I just didn't know which tank or how.

Went to check them all and could immediately see my spare RSM130 looking cloudy.

Turns out, the stock Red Sea heater (I had just bought a few months ago from Aquariums West and never used) that I had just installed on Monday had gone into overdrive and had cooked the tank overnight.

There were only a few mushrooms in there along with some LR so no biggie...hate to see anything die in my captivity but still a best case scenario for the situation.

Now I'm going to get a controller.


Will have to see....everything I currently have is Apex but it's all pretty old screens galore.

Lots of peace of mind regardless of brand.
I use a Finnex controller for my heater, I don't like to depend on the on board control that comes with heaters, $ 50ish and I bought it on
Works perfect and very accurate.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 02-10-2016, 06:43 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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In retrospect, as soon as I put those mushrooms in the tank, I should have hooked up some kind of heat controller.

for 50 bucks, should have got one like yours.

I'm planning on selling this extra rsm soonish and I'm sure it'll be much more marketable with an RKL or ACJR.
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Old 02-11-2016, 12:23 AM
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I heard that someone's apex got hacked and the whole tank was cooked so there's that. And if you run apex offline, that 50% of the apex's value down the drain.

I went with a Ranco; industrial grade temp controller. Its ugly (hence industrial) but its hidden inside the closet.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 02-11-2016, 12:56 AM
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Are you OK?
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Old 02-11-2016, 08:48 PM
BC564 BC564 is offline
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I use 2 or 3 smaller if one sticks on full heat it doesn't anything.
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Old 02-11-2016, 09:04 PM
BC564 BC564 is offline
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do the same thing with protein skimmers so if one fails and I dont know about it.....
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Old 02-11-2016, 10:01 PM
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Most people have experienced a heater failure at least once , they are less than perfect pieces of equipment . Ive had them both stick on and off . At least you didn't loose any fish or a bunch of coral , but if you had turbo snails in there the smell wont go away for a while that's an unholy kinda funk.
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Old 02-12-2016, 06:11 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by toytech View Post
Most people have experienced a heater failure at least once , they are less than perfect pieces of equipment . Ive had them both stick on and off . At least you didn't loose any fish or a bunch of coral , but if you had turbo snails in there the smell wont go away for a while that's an unholy kinda funk.
nothing in there but brown hairy mushrooms and a few nicer blue cuc.

It smelled, trust me.

I've had heaters fail before, I shouldn't have put my faith in the red sea one and bought a more reliable brand instead.
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Old 02-16-2016, 05:09 PM
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I actually had the opposite problem recently, I was away on holiday and got a bunch of emails from my apex that my tank temp was dropping out of parameters. I called my dad over to unplug my tank heater and plug in the spare. I waited...but the tank temp kept dropping! WTF??? Turns out that I turned down the house thermostat when we left and my 300 watt heater wasn't up to the job. Lucky that I figured it out and called my dad back to plug in both heaters which did the trick. No damage.
Red Sea REEFER 450
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