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Old 11-02-2015, 03:37 AM
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I built my own a few years ago. Wow, it was a programming adventure finding different ways to measure everything i wanted. The things i found most useful where mostly stuff that default controllers don't generally come with.

I really enjoyed being able to track my PH/Temp/Etc from a webpage. I used a Google pages website locked to my account, this would be harder to do now since i'm pretty sure Google scrapped their pages. I also used pachube, now Xively for all data logging. When you're board waiting at the dentist office it's amazing how much you'll look into that day 3 weeks ago when your tank got hotter.

Also, temp probes are dirt cheap, i had 4 and averaged the temps across them and checked if within limits of the others to check for bad probes. I had lots of heat shutoff's and didn't want my tank reacting to a failed temp probe.

The thing i liked the most was color indexing. I'm old school and still use Halides, you can track color shift very easily now so it's well worth looking into.

Alerts are fairly easy to set up through a twitter feed, i had any alarms sent to my twitter. Any measured value outside of range, sump overflow sensor, sump level sensor, herbie level sensor, and a few others i'm probably missing.

I also liked variable day light, most of you fancy LED people have this built in now. I calculated sunrise/sunset times on the gold coast, this gave me short days in summer(their winter) and long days in winter, which helps with heating issues.

The only issue I've ever had with this system is my power supply. Get a decent regulated power supply, especially if you're using mechanical relays. I learned this after frying my first arduino.
My 150 In Wall Build
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Old 11-02-2015, 05:27 AM
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What type of price range are you shooting for?
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Old 11-02-2015, 05:58 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by shiftline View Post
What type of price range are you shooting for?
I'm trying to keep the base system ( Display Unit and Breakout box ) under 400-500 mark.

Its going to be a challenge for sure as the price of subminiature IP67 / IP68 connectors aren't cheap ( ~$24 a pop )
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Old 11-02-2015, 05:51 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by Lampshade View Post
I built my own a few years ago. Wow, it was a programming adventure finding different ways to measure everything i wanted. The things i found most useful where mostly stuff that default controllers don't generally come with.

I really enjoyed being able to track my PH/Temp/Etc from a webpage. I used a Google pages website locked to my account, this would be harder to do now since i'm pretty sure Google scrapped their pages. I also used pachube, now Xively for all data logging. When you're board waiting at the dentist office it's amazing how much you'll look into that day 3 weeks ago when your tank got hotter.

Also, temp probes are dirt cheap, i had 4 and averaged the temps across them and checked if within limits of the others to check for bad probes. I had lots of heat shutoff's and didn't want my tank reacting to a failed temp probe.

The thing i liked the most was color indexing. I'm old school and still use Halides, you can track color shift very easily now so it's well worth looking into.

Alerts are fairly easy to set up through a twitter feed, i had any alarms sent to my twitter. Any measured value outside of range, sump overflow sensor, sump level sensor, herbie level sensor, and a few others i'm probably missing.

I also liked variable day light, most of you fancy LED people have this built in now. I calculated sunrise/sunset times on the gold coast, this gave me short days in summer(their winter) and long days in winter, which helps with heating issues.

The only issue I've ever had with this system is my power supply. Get a decent regulated power supply, especially if you're using mechanical relays. I learned this after frying my first arduino.
Most of the Heavy draw items like the power bars will have their own supplies for the relays. The relays will be in turn triggered by a FET which is triggered by the PCA9685. going this route is great as there are 62 address combos that you can choose for your smartbar, LED driver or whatever output device your using.
Also forgot to mention that since DC pumps are hitting the market there will be a 4CH DC pump controller on the horizon as well.

The hardware to me is the easy part!
The software on the other hand... lets just say im a bit rusty LOL
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Old 11-02-2015, 06:10 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by Lampshade View Post
Also, temp probes are dirt cheap, i had 4 and averaged the temps across them and checked if within limits of the others to check for bad probes. I had lots of heat shutoff's and didn't want my tank reacting to a failed temp probe.
As far as the temp probes go I'm planning on using the DS18B20 based units as the 1 wire serial bus is simple and the accuracy for the price is hard to beat ( 5 pieces with a 2m cable run for about $10 ). Also because of the single wire bus you can have as many sensors as you want for redundancy and it all boils down to how much room are you going to spare in the case.
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Old 11-06-2015, 12:45 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Lots of views... only a few people with actual Input.
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Old 11-06-2015, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by _Adrian_ View Post
Lots of views... only a few people with actual Input.
I'm not a controller person, so I have no input. For me, the only type of "controller" I'm interested in is more of a "monitor" that alerts me via text or email when things are wacky. What kind of input are you looking for?
~ Mindy

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Old 11-14-2015, 12:06 AM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I'm not a controller person, so I have no input. For me, the only type of "controller" I'm interested in is more of a "monitor" that alerts me via text or email when things are wacky. What kind of input are you looking for?
This can do that and more as well as it will have a webserver that you can check your readings in real time.

Because its going to be based on more of a "Node 2 Node" i don't want to bloat the system as per say.

I'm looking for input from people on the hardware side of things as the software and other items can be coded in as the software progresses.
What I mean by that is hardware such as peristaltic dosing pumps as many people add in reef supplements and minerals, feeders in case your an avid traveler and the likes.

Like I said earlier this is constructive input...
with this you can mix and match any of the modules and just load the code and your up and running.
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Old 11-14-2015, 07:20 PM
claynelson claynelson is offline
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a few years ago a friend and i started and had a controller running but myself being the hardware guy and him firmware and another software and being spread across canada it kind of fell to the side. i can lend my talents to the circuits design and construction. pm me if interested.
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Old 11-17-2015, 04:15 PM
_Adrian_ _Adrian_ is offline
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Originally Posted by claynelson View Post
a few years ago a friend and i started and had a controller running but myself being the hardware guy and him firmware and another software and being spread across canada it kind of fell to the side. i can lend my talents to the circuits design and construction. pm me if interested.
Thanks for the offer...
But it's not that hard when you have something to go from

The screen was simple as the manufacturer shared the PCB and SCH files. Adding the SAM3X processor and was just as simple as Arduino is open source and PCB and SCH files are available on their site. So it went together quite quickly. Since my original Screen is using the RAIO RA8875 thought its a good fit as its fast enough to drive a larger LCD as well as its quite capable. I did however wanted a sharper display and that rules out the old resistive touch panels and opted for the better capacitive ones.

I do have to be honest and say that the idea of the Intel Edison has crossed my mind specially with Android as an option...

The Breakout box is a bit different story...
that is still a mess and slowly working on it

I'm still curious how many would like the option of dual band wireless and BT-LE on the display side...
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