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Old 08-30-2015, 10:47 PM
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Our area in poco was usually untouched when others had issues.
But i have never seen bchydro take this long to get power back.
The backups i had in place are failing because its been too long. They werent designed to last days....
They havent even bothered to remove the tree from the lines in the area....
If the worlds ending thats 1 thing but this is ridiculous...
I just watched 6 hydro trucks all pull in behind the building next to where i work here so they can go for coffee and the public wont notice.... their hiding!
I work on the island while my parents manage my tanks for me.... so im kind of screwed sitting here hoping the fish survive and i cant even be there to stay up all night stiring the tanks.
Stores were sold out of battery airpumps so fast this morning.
Im pretty sure the gas stations are still toast in the area. We dont own a gas generator and familys we can borrow wont run much with stuff in the fridge and freezer warming up....
Foods going bad. Fish are gonna die. Yippee!

Last edited by Coasting; 08-30-2015 at 10:49 PM.
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Old 08-30-2015, 11:35 PM
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Oi, I feel so bad for you guys! Thankfully it's not the dead of winter, but still!
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 08-30-2015, 11:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Oi, I feel so bad for you guys! Thankfully it's not the dead of winter, but still!
My tank seems to have leveled out at 74. Got a gas fireplace if it drops further.
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Old 08-31-2015, 12:17 AM
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Power just came back on in south poco. Hope everyone else's is on soon!!!
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Old 08-31-2015, 12:32 AM
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This morning half the Hydro crews that are based here in Prince George were dispatched to the lower mainland to help with repair efforts.

The one of the toughest parts for a lot of people in this hobby is power outages and are generally unprepared for it especially in larger centres where power outages are rare and generally localized and rarely last longer than a few hours even here in PG outages are localized and power is rarely out more than a few hours now.

basically we are supposed to be prepared yet most of us are not because service interruptions are not common now and we've gotten used to it and being prepared for service interruptions are low on our lists of readiness for tank issues now because we don't expect it to happen anymore
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 08-31-2015, 12:53 AM
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Hurroh power back in Poco.
Temps in the low 70s or something "The green area" yeah that tells me lots....
Only 1 fish missing so far, but the melanus wrasse likes to hide anyway so I'm sure he's fine. Think the goldfish and tropical made it all right.
Corals seems to do okay as well. Was worried they would all expand with a lack of flow and slime up and sting each other and what not... appearently all was fine.

I've got some battery powered airpumps on order from Aliexpress. Still cheaper them petsmart and if I have a few extras it cant hurt....
Cheapest ones were just under $5, will test that out to see how it works in comparison, the Top Fin petsmart lookalike is $7 or so, I imagine it probably is the topfin one with out the logo...
I'm still searching for a good computer battery backup to run the powerhead incase the power goes out while my familys at work or asleep.
And I think this has been a kick in the ass for my dad as my moms been telling him for years to get a real generator for the fridge and what not.
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Old 08-31-2015, 12:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
This morning half the Hydro crews that are based here in Prince George were dispatched to the lower mainland to help with repair efforts.

The one of the toughest parts for a lot of people in this hobby is power outages and are generally unprepared for it especially in larger centres where power outages are rare and generally localized and rarely last longer than a few hours even here in PG outages are localized and power is rarely out more than a few hours now.

basically we are supposed to be prepared yet most of us are not because service interruptions are not common now and we've gotten used to it and being prepared for service interruptions are low on our lists of readiness for tank issues now because we don't expect it to happen anymore
+1. You're damn sure I'll be picking up a 1000-2000 W Gen set soon. What with the changes in our weather over the last few years, this is just a taste of things to come. Also just shows you how ill prepared our infastructure is during an event of this nature. I know the peeps at BCHydro are working hard... but damn!
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Old 08-31-2015, 01:59 AM
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Just got back online a couple hours ago,... power was back early this morning. Lost 4 fish due O2 deprivation.

Normally don't get theses types of storms until late fall and winter. So still had the battery power packs at our cabin where they are also used with our solar system there. Hence, was totally unprepared this time.

And to complicate matters, just had shoulder surgery (rotator cuff) a week and a half ago. Was no joy manually stirring the water with just my left arm and a ladle. Late last night I could see I was losing the battle when some fish were hanging out near the surface breathing rapidly. And sure enough this morning some of them didn't make it. Once the power came back on, rest of the fish recovered quickly and corals all seem OK, too.

Tough lesson to learn...
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Old 08-31-2015, 02:00 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Ended up loaning my 880 Watt portable generator to my bro who's power still hasn't come back on and he's in South Van (41st & Knight area).

Picked up another 860W APC UPS today as a backup but its now on loan to the OP of this thread. Gotta get my wife to find my other UPS before the next emergency. I also gave an 880W gen to my father-in-law so if necessary, I have 2 gens and 2 UPS if my power ever goes out.

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Old 08-31-2015, 02:06 AM
jhj0112 jhj0112 is offline
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I think I lost flame angel. I can't see him... it had to be my favorite fish that is the only victim.. ordering battery powered air pumps.. good news is there is no death on all other fishes in 4 other tanks..

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