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Old 05-17-2015, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I also fully support GMO agriculture, and agree with "them" that it's not harmful.

We've been modifying genes in agriculture for 10k years, and now that we do it in a lab vs the field just makes it more efficient and allows us to further yields and target pest control.
There's a big difference between the "line-breeding" (in-breeding) of organisms in fields and the genetic modification of organisms such as adding a bacteria gene to corn which makes corn produce a toxin that kills the corn boring insect. Of course this is the same toxin that's been used as a pesticide since the 1960s and is considered safe, and yada yada. They don't talk about the other genes they add either, since you can't just add that one single bacteria gene, you also have to add other genes that control how that first gene is expressed in the organism too.

I don't know what these things do (neither do you), and I know I don't know, so I will avoid eating them until there is less turmoil surrounding it.

I also don't want to live under my bed afraid of everything outside
I hope you're not suggesting that of me. You talk about all the healthy things you do, so why is that ok with you, but then GMO foods is one step too far? What makes you the decider of that?
~ Mindy

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Old 05-17-2015, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I hope you're not suggesting that of me. You talk about all the healthy things you do, so why is that ok with you, but then GMO foods is one step too far? What makes you the decider of that?
No, I'm suggesting that of society in general. But this topic is akin to religion and politics. So I'll just decide for me. Carry on.
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Old 05-20-2015, 01:23 PM
dino dino is offline
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Everyone should try INNIs &GUNN its won lots of awards and it's put into scotch barrels so you get a little of that flavor its amazing other than that I like miller
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