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Old 05-15-2015, 07:28 PM
Plainswalker Plainswalker is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post

Anyone else feel like this might be orchestrated?

Must be nice to develop a product with some well known shortcomings and then release an upgrade to fix it for top dollar...

It's always good if you can get your customers to pay for the same product twice.
I doubt it was orchestrated, but if it was, then kudos to them because it worked.

It could be something as simple as having a laundry list of innovations they have in a pipeline, and that they were planning to release anyway, and moving the timeline up/down in response to market competition. I don't think it's a coincidence that they released QuietDrive soon after the Gyre hit the market.
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Old 05-15-2015, 07:31 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by toytech View Post
That's called manufactured obsolescence , everyone does it . Buy a domestic brand car see how long it feels new for , same thing . I do think a lot of expensive R&D went into the new driver its the most expensive part , the actual physical parts are a fraction of what you are paying for . The noise was the only reason I didn't but an mp10 , will probably get one now despite the other problems .
seems like a lot of their RnD would have come from the very same customers who complained and now get to spend another healthy chunk of change on their already pricey pumps...

I get charging more for the upgraded version that is quiet...but charging so much for fixing an issue like this just seems opportunistic and not very customer friendly.

The upside is that this should really drop the price for the older versions...who would want one now with the quieter version available?
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Old 07-30-2015, 05:33 AM
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So has anyone done a good comparisons of the old MP10 vs the QD?

I borrowed a mp10wes to test it out and its nice however it still seems "loud" atlas noticeable from the couch a few feet away. i hear the whirl type sound from the dry side.

Does the MP10WQD have this same issue?
Is it actually much quieter?
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