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Old 04-30-2015, 01:47 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I have nothing to trade. Take a couple hun cash?
Haha Please if your going to lowball me at least do it in pm lol umm how about a couple hundy and an JF make believe? Just keeping the negotiation tables open don't want to sell myself short
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Old 04-30-2015, 01:54 PM
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Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, just been a tough month and funds are low. Hope you get a better trade!
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Old 04-30-2015, 03:25 PM
Travillion Travillion is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Assuming since you only psted amonia , nitrites and nitrates that your using the api test kits?

Po4 reading ? (Phosphate)
I think you may have pinned it. I do test for most, I have three separate test kits. Phosphate levels are at 0.05, which is a bit higher then the respectable levels. I understand that the best solution for this would be to incorporate a macro-algae refuge. Now how would I go about that on a NanoCube? The slot where the included 3-tiered-filter thing is now where my protein skimmer is, and I understand most people would use that for their macro algae refuge.
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Old 04-30-2015, 03:39 PM
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I think an easier solution is simply bigger/more frequent water changes.
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Old 04-30-2015, 03:42 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Travillion View Post
I think you may have pinned it. I do test for most, I have three separate test kits. Phosphate levels are at 0.05, which is a bit higher then the respectable levels. I understand that the best solution for this would be to incorporate a macro-algae refuge. Now how would I go about that on a NanoCube? The slot where the included 3-tiered-filter thing is now where my protein skimmer is, and I understand most people would use that for their macro algae refuge.
Not necessarily , for po4 in a small tank like yours with the aio chamber I would run a bag of gfo/rowaphos or at least something like chemipure and then if running a skimmer or another form of mechanical filtration I would start soluable carbon dosing......both of these can be manipulated to your liking and has less guess work then say what a fist sized piece of cheato will do (does any body know?)

In a tank like yours add 2.5 ml daily of 5% white vinegar for a week and then double it each week up until about week 3 or week 4 or around 10ml a day in total. This would be added daily.

If you have the means to remove available nutrients before say macro algaes have a chance to use up available nutrients then you've just eliminated a middle man in your task if your want other benefits from a fuge there are def a few but I wouldn't consider nutrient export as the most efficient purpose it would have.
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Old 04-30-2015, 03:44 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I think an easier solution is simply bigger/more frequent water changes.
There's def many ways to skin a cat and this works well to but again if you can attack something at its root you wouldn't need to use the fallback plan , not that there's anyone wrong with large water changes (I'm actually pro this for many reasons just not nutrient export)
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Old 04-30-2015, 04:02 PM
Travillion Travillion is offline
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Great information. Thank you both.
I figured 20% weekly changes was quite a bit, but I guess not. What is the suggested changes for a 28G?
Also a random question here. When doing water changes, should I leave my skimmer running or turn it off? The water gets so low in the chambers that it almost runs dry. I'm scared that if I turn it off it will restart and take another week or two to get going again.
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Old 04-30-2015, 04:15 PM
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I change 50% every 2 weeks. Most don't do that tho. More is always better IMO.
The skimmer can stay on as long as there is water in the pump, but I wouldn't let it run dry for more than a very short while
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Old 04-30-2015, 04:57 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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I do about 25% weekly as well
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Old 04-30-2015, 08:38 PM
garwood garwood is offline
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could it be the pukani. my tank is almost 3 months now. went through the diatoms then the gha and this has continued since. My clean up crew cant keep up. Im reading 0 nitrates but im assuming the algae is taking it up therefor giving me the 0 reading. my phos was 1.6 but added a reactor and got to about 0.04 but never any lower. I bleached and acid bathed the rock and let it soak for a week. i suspect the pukani has phos still leaching out.
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