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Old 04-15-2015, 04:15 PM
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Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 04-15-2015, 04:38 PM
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Go back one page idk what happened there lol
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 04-16-2015, 04:27 PM
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Well that should bring you guys up to speed

Here is where im at and asking for some HELP/advise

Over the last month after the new addition of the goby and new pump (gyre) and maybe even new bio load I've noticed SPS not happy some colonies STN and losing tissue others less polyp extension and just not looking like the pics from few months ago

After testing retesting and looking back at my log book I narrowed it down to a few things

1) flow got crazy high with the new3 pump I changed from 2 mp10s on wave mode to 2mp10s plus gyre and I changed from a lot of wave flow to direct flow resulting in tissue loss on sps in the direct flow

2) sand goby while nice kicked up insane amount on sand in the first few weeks releasing stuff into my water that's hasn't been stirred in over a year that paired with flow probably made the sand storm sand blast that didn't help with tissue loss
3) tho ive done water changes same 2weeks seems tho im not catching up with p04 anymore and probably not changing my GFO fast enough for the new nutrient released from the sand bed

4) I did a full water test after my 2 week 25G WC yesterday and also I pulled out my old nitrate test that hasn't needed to be used for years and Found the problem

Phos-0.20 Hanna (usually 0.10 after 2 weeks ) so this has been slowly rising last month
Nitrate- 30 !!! omg this has been zero for years I stopped testing it now since add of new fish this is 30 bingo

So .. Aside from anther WC on Thursday whats my plan of attack? I slowed the pumps and my next plan is to start carbon dosing with vodka maybe as my current 2 week wc plus GFo and Carbon isn't cutting it

Your help is needed thanks
Craig Dillman
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 04-17-2015, 03:19 PM
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Any ideas
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 04-17-2015, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Craigdillman View Post
Any ideas
Well, as I think you know, should get phosphates and nitrates down. For serious P04 challenges, Fozdown works well, but do it slowly so you don't get too big a drop at once.

You need low P04 (< 0.10) if you want your SPS to do well.
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Old 04-17-2015, 06:54 PM
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K do you suggest getting the p04 down to where it was then start carbon dosing or
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 04-17-2015, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Craigdillman View Post
K do you suggest getting the p04 down to where it was then start carbon dosing or
You can do both at the same time, but P04 is your bigger problem. I only tried carbon dosing for a very short time, and didn't like the work and attention involved. So have used only a bio pellet reactor for a long time. Keeps N03 at zero (or at least so low I can't measure any). And I go for a year+ without having to touch it. Once N03 is down to zero, pellet consumption slows down to almost nothing.

But with P04 that high, it will take some effort with Fozdown (carefully) to bring it down. Once it is down (all leached out of your sand and rocks), then it is easy to maintain with just GFO.
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Old 04-17-2015, 07:16 PM
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Yea I run carbon and gfo about 1.75 cups of it p04 is usually 0.08-0.10 and my nitrates have never been above 1-2ppm in ny tank just over the last month it's creeped up with goby sifting the 2year old sand bed that hasn't been touched that with the new pump and I think caused this whole thing
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 04-17-2015, 08:28 PM
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Well, the goby is doing a good thing if he is stirring and cleaning up your sand bed. But your filter/sock should be catching the suspended material, and your skimmer doing its job as well. You might have a while of higher P04, but that's where the Fozdown can help, to get it back down.
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Old 04-17-2015, 09:13 PM
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Ok thanks I'll get some of that and start the vodka dosing as I wanted to anyway and I'll keep you guys in the loop
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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