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Old 04-14-2015, 04:16 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Default In need of help from experienced sps keepers!

Hey guys so I've been having many trouble keeping sps lately n things r rly going downhill n I'm in dire need of help from an experience sps keeper to come over if possible n help me figure out what I'm doing wrong with my set up. I can pay or give frags whatever you prefer for your time. My tank crashed when I upgraded tanks by forgetting to install my carbon n rowaphos reactor I think and many sps died. But now I see all my LPS super happy and puffy but sps rtning or stning so I know something is rly wrong with sps only. I had a giant green slimer that was all browned out from tank swap but was healing n regaining color but last week or so it started to rtn then 2 nights ago I forgot to turn on my power heads and in the morning it was pretty much fully slimed up and died. Today I noticed my sunset milli mini colony rtn at its base and flesh peeling so I super glue all the rtn parts. Also my red planet mini colony is also rtn in its center and it's rly hard to glue those areas. I'm rly lost to what to do now and so tired of buying sps n it dying. Literally throwing tons of $$ out the window!! would really some appreciate help!

All my params looks normal so That makes me stress more.
Alk is steady 8-9. Salifert
Cal steady 420. Salifert
Mag is a lil low around 1050 but it's always been like that since day 1 which shouldn't kill so suddenly. Salifert
Sg 1.025
Temp 79deg
Nitrates 0 via sea chem
Phosphate 0 via hanna checker but I do have to clean my glass everyday

For equipment
Radions gen 1 x2
Skimmer is a vertex omega 150
110gal tank

Green slimer. Fully rtn now. I still keep it in my tank tho to cover space

Sunset milli. Turned more green now. It was super fuzzy when it was in the frag tank chamber of my sump under par 38 but seem to lose all polyp extension since i put it in my DT 3-4 weeks ago

Red plant rtn started 3 weeks ago at some tips but i super glued it and it totally stopped till today.
My 110g In Wall Tank Build

Last edited by jason604; 04-14-2015 at 04:24 AM.
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:26 AM
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parameters all look fine, Mg is lower than most people like, but that won't kill corals. Have you dipped anything to see if you've got AEFW? A bad infestation could set off that kind of damage.
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:30 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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I dip every single coral I buy with revive before I add to tank. I just did a quick google of AeFw and I don't think I'm experienced enough to tell if it's just fish poop or actually aefw if I dip.
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:33 AM
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You'd see them moving around before they die. With that type of damage, you'd have a lot.
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:38 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Arhhhhh God dammit. I have revive and Lugol iodine. Which should I use and how long. If I see it on 1 frag should I dip them all in the same bucket or seperate each? I have a lot of sps frags should I also do that to frags I see not damaged? Do aefw only affect sps and my LPS will be unaffected? Do they stay on rocks as well?
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:48 AM
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If, and right now it's just if, you have AEFW at the level needed to cause that damage, you're screwed. They only affect acropora, not anything else. Dipping is to prevent them getting in to the tank in the first place, once in, they're in. You would need to remove them all to a separate system, dip repeatedly over a long time.
But for now, cut a branch and dip it in whatever dip you like. If worms come off, you'll see them. Translucent oval little suckers. Check that, then see where to go from there.
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Old 04-14-2015, 04:49 AM
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First you have to confirm that you have AEFW. Like Brad said, fish poop don't move. Dip an affected colony and see if any worms fall off. At this point I'd take my crappiest looking affected colony and dip in strong mix of Revive and leave it in there for longer than recommended. Shake the colony hard to see if any fall off.Check your frag base for eggs too. Any bite marks on your Sps skin? Will look like oblong patches of white on SPS body. If it AEFW it's treatable. But you need to get on it ASAP good luck
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Old 04-14-2015, 05:22 AM
strider strider is offline
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Default In need of help from experienced sps keepers!

Yes do the aefw test as suggested above.

IMO It looks more like slow RTN.
I had similar issue last month. I had to cut off the Good pieces and re-glue and Remove the dead coral from the tank and ran fresh carbon. Changed after a week. Things seem to be ok now and corals are opening.

That's my 2cents.
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Old 04-14-2015, 06:32 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Oh man I did a stronger revive dip on my sunset colony for about 10 mins then turkey blast it n it's tissue was tearing off. The water container is rly cloudy with too much stuff but I put it in another container of tank water n gave it a good shook. Here's the pic n I do see tiny brown oval things moving in a circular motion.

Here's a macro shot with my iPhone lens attachment of a sps frag that's mother fully rtn a month ago n here's whats left. Are these eggs?

My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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Old 04-14-2015, 06:49 AM
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Have you added any new fish or corals/liverock lately?

What salt mix are you using? When was the last water change? Do you use RO water? When were the pre filters changed? Any idea on the TDS of the effluent?

Can you check your ammonia, nitrite and copper?

Has there been any dry cleaning or carpet cleaning done recently? Any fumigation or painting etc.
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