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Old 03-24-2015, 07:41 PM
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I guess I like digging around in my tank more than you do I take a lot of top down pictures, for that I need access for my camera, shoulders and head above the tank, and I like to be comfortable while doing it. That's why my system has a lot of access over top. Also, I'm short... so for me to reach a coral that may have fallen over and is in the sand in the middle of the tank I still need to use tongs, which I despise.

Just my 2 cents.

Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
You seem to be quite concerned about ease of accessing the contents of the tank for yourself. But how much do you actually want to have your hands in there? I personally don't like being up to my shoulder in the tank and my fish don't like it much either. In fact I will go into anaphylactic shock if my lion fish gets me. So instead of designing a tank for you to jump inside design it instead for your captives. Experiment with your rocks until you get an aquascape that you want to keep, give your coral room to grow so that you're not in there fragging them a month later, don't place tiny specimens in the sand bed if there is a risk of them getting buried etc. Then add a frag tank to the system so that you still have a space to play in that is easy to work with. Now design the tank that you want to look at instead of swim in. Easy peasy.
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Old 03-24-2015, 11:58 PM
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Great discussion!

I think I need to rename this...
I guess this wont be dream tank, but let's say permanent, no more upgrades tank lol.

I think cost & time & room will keep me from dream tank status.

So At this moment I'm thinking 6' x 2.5' x 2'

I do like to tinker with the tank, but having a young family prevents me from having time to do so.

So my main concerns are accessibility and ease of maintenance.

As I'm not sure on tank location yet, I'm uncertain if I will have any sort of fish room or remote sump.

The house does have a large crawl space, so hopefully I can utilize that.

And I most certainly do want a nice and simple water change system.

I've begun going through some of your tank journals, so much info!
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Old 03-25-2015, 01:03 AM
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Unless your crawlspace is close to 5' high, you are going to get tired of that real fast. Especially if you plan on having a sump down there. I like to joke that they are only good for Hobbits.
You could however, plumb a drain from the tank stand, through the crawl and into one of your house drains. Makes for easy water dumps.

Sounds interesting, following along!
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Old 03-25-2015, 02:51 AM
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Mine is a 6Lx28H×36w 300gal peninsula. Im 5'10 and 28 to 30 max is all I can reach to the bottom of without diving gear or draining water. A good set of tongs are super handy too. If I could do it again I would fo 8 or 10ft long 30 high and 48 wide. Dont get me wrong... I'm happy with what I have but an extra foot of width and two or four feet in length would be sweet for a peninsula. If its a peninsula the width is not really a service issue because you can get around three sides.
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Old 03-25-2015, 08:27 PM
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Haha I hear ya on the crawlspace. What a waste. I always imagine renting it out to some hobbits lol.

But good idea about using it to run tank drain into house plumbing.

For some reason I'm not really keen on having to use tongs to reach stuff. I guess that'll limit me to around 2' height.

Didn't realize there were that many people with large reefs. They must look sweet!
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Old 03-25-2015, 09:01 PM
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I regret getting such a deep tank, at 34" its a huge reach to the bottom. A think a 27 or so wouldn't be bad, just measure your reach lol
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Old 03-26-2015, 03:59 AM
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I've got a 27" tank that we put on an extra tall stand so my 6'4 partner could look at it without bending over. I need a ladder to work in the tank and it blows. +1 to designing a system you can easily reach the bottom of while standing on flat feet.

Also, If I could sledge hammer out my internal overflows and still have a viable tank, I'd do it right this second. If you can avoid internal overflows you'll not be scheming about ways to redo your whole tank in three years.

And finally, go long and wide as your space and dollars will allow. If this is your "last" upgrade, you don't want to be pining over how your 6' tank looks small when all your fish and corals grow up 2 years from now.
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Old 04-02-2015, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
Great discussion!

The house does have a large crawl space, so hopefully I can utilize that.
My house in Victoria had a 3 foot crawl space. I put the chiller, pumps and UV down there. that little bit of equipment I got out of the stand gave me a lot more room.

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Old 04-24-2015, 08:43 PM
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hey guys,

so I've got things slightly narrowed down, if were able to do the renos we want, my tank will be in the main living room, against a wall. if not, it'll be a peninsula between the family and dining room. either way it'll be 180-240gallons.

so as I don't have things finalized to design tank etc, what I can use some help with is equipment.

the first couple things i'd like to decide on is lighting and a skimmer.

i'm not quite sure if it'll be open top, or have a "canopy" that makes the tank look "in wall" if you know what i mean.

any suggestions on slick fixtures? i like the idea of "showing off" a pretty fixture, but i do not like the idea of light blasting/bleeding into our eyes, especiually if tank is in living room.

any suggestions on some slick fixtures, hybrid or other?

as for skimmer, i'm thinking i'll want to go oversized, mainly because i'm wanting to go sps dominant, and i like fish, and i tend to feed heavily...

let the games begin!
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