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Old 02-28-2015, 03:28 PM
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We have to remember that many people have many different views. My view is regardless of what I do or don't do, people will always buy hard to keep fish. And they will often die.
I feel I've learned enough, and from past experience, know these can be kept, and have ordered a replacement net caught MI.

My decision was intentional, Ii didn't happen past a fish at the store and go wow, I want that there purdy fish.

My first MI was in tank for 2 years. Happiest fattest fish ever. When I moved it to my display, I turned off 2 of my 4 pumps, and the remaining were set at 10% flow. 6 hours later my daughter was airlifted to Children's Hospital and I had to leave with no notice and forgot to turn pumps back on. That is exactly what killed a fish that would have spent many more years in my tank, regardless of who wants to argue it. Low O2 killed all my large fish over my absence. Period.
From my recent experience, I have a few lessons learned, and will try again next week.

I will not argue morality with ANYONE that keeps ANY fish in a glass box in their livingroom.
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Old 02-28-2015, 03:57 PM
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Did you know, in some countries our ornamental fish are their food. ?

Tell me the difference. I killed one MI, 2 anthias and 4 halibut this week. The first three had some chance at a partially full life in a box. The last 4 never had a chance.
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Old 02-28-2015, 04:19 PM
straightrazorguy straightrazorguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Tell me the difference. I killed one MI, 2 anthias and 4 halibut this week. The first three had some chance at a partially full life in a box. The last 4 never had a chance.
I agree with your reasoning, Brad. Still, I feel like a criminal every time I lose a fish...
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Old 02-28-2015, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by straightrazorguy View Post
I agree with your reasoning, Brad. Still, I feel like a criminal every time I lose a fish...
Ya, I feel awful. I don't even think about the money, just aww, poor fish. But that's the hobby we chose. If we really felt that bad, we wouldn't have tanks.
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Old 02-28-2015, 04:34 PM
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But we have tanks because most critters we put in live. Some even thrive. That's what keeps me going.
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Old 02-28-2015, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by straightrazorguy View Post
But we have tanks because most critters we put in live. Some even thrive. That's what keeps me going.
Ya, but let's be honest here. It's a selfish endeavor. These fish would be much happier on a reef. Well, until they got eaten by something.

In the end though, everything dies. My MI may have been eaten if the fisherman hadn''t interrupted the food chain. I might have given it another 2 weeks. Maybe. Maybe not.

Keeping anything captive is wrong. It's how much wrong we can live with at the end of the day and still sleep at night.
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Old 02-28-2015, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Ya, but let's be honest here. It's a selfish endeavor. These fish would be much happier on a reef. Well, until they got eaten by something.

In the end though, everything dies. My MI may have been eaten if the fisherman hadn''t interrupted the food chain. I might have given it another 2 weeks. Maybe. Maybe not.

Keeping anything captive is wrong. It's how much wrong we can live with at the end of the day and still sleep at night.
Yup, it's selfish, all right. And captivity is wrong.

And I agree, fishing for food is far more destructive. So, by eating less fish I can keep more in my tank, right? I'd rather go all vegetarian than give up my tank.
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Old 02-28-2015, 04:40 PM
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Gawd thats a terrible picture. But then reality sucks.
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Old 02-28-2015, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
But then reality sucks.
It does. And we lie to ourselves to hide from it. In between posts I'm cooking omelets for the family. Using eggs from cage raised chickens, topped with dead pig. For dinner, I'm having those dead halibut from further up in the thread. In my house built of wood that killed many things in it's acquisition. Typing using electricity from dams that killed how many creatures? ya...

Please don't preach to me about a MI taken from the ocean, with a dialogue on my experiences that just might help save just one that will be purchased regardless of Wayne's views on the world.
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Old 03-01-2015, 12:03 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Did you know, in some countries our ornamental fish are their food. ?

Tell me the difference. I killed one MI, 2 anthias and 4 halibut this week. The first three had some chance at a partially full life in a box. The last 4 never had a chance.
This reminded me of the photos Dez posted awhile back. He went spear fishing someplace tropical (can't recall where) and posted photos of him eating tangs and said they were delicious! I never really got why some people think it's okay to eat ugly fish but not pretty fish. People just eat what's in their own back yards. I wonder if habitants in the Philippines complain about us eating salmon? Good luck with MI2!
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