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Old 02-24-2015, 03:57 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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If you are looking for another test kit on Calcium...the Red sea kit is really nice.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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Old 02-27-2015, 02:53 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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New plans to automate new saltwater top off:

have a float switch at top and bottom of NSW container hooked up to apex breakout box, also a solenoid plugged into apex to turn on and off depending on water level. so bottom float switches off, solenoid opens and fills up until top float switch closes, also mechanical float switch on top just in case. All i have to do is add salt once a week. I just have figure out how to attach the float switches to the container of NSW (currently 25g garbage can) without spending money on magnectic probe holders or something. I might just wait and get a 50gal cube with spots built in for floats.... any ideas?

also adding a few easy on/off switches for skimmer, pumps etc.

electrical for solenoid

new corals..


sombrero chalice(what i call it)

coco worm duster

huge awesome lime green carpet anenome and some new clownfish.. they all had a party in the anenome for about 10mins followed by a group battle, they figured out whos who, we'll see if they pair up evenly... had 1 added 5.

new end shot

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Old 02-27-2015, 03:09 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Old 02-27-2015, 03:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Roskoreef View Post

electrical for solenoid

Hey, just a thought, you should get a solenoid that doesn't contain brass.
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Old 02-27-2015, 05:06 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by The Codfather View Post
Hey, just a thought, you should get a solenoid that doesn't contain brass.
Thanks! =====right over my head on that one, could have been horrible. Will definetly find stainless or something else, know of any sources for a di safe solenoid?
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Old 03-02-2015, 02:37 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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update, ick and some dead fish...... all from the same sure of it... actually now that i think of it every coral i got from this shop also died within a month. I wont say which one, but i will give credit to the shops which i have bought the rest of the tanks inhabitants and corals from (which are all alive and well, even with some ich in the tank now and i suspect possibly flatworm).The fish i got from concept is strong, healthy and eating well, as well as everything from wai's ive had no trouble, all healthy and happy fish and corals.

Now what to do about the situation, obviusly wont be buying anything from that shop, i have ich....maybe flatworm....*&^$. I have been using polyplabs medic for 3 days now, another 7 to go. Its a water conditioner as well as a reef safe ich medicine. You cannot run UV or carbon when medicating so i suspect any of the sick fish perished when i dropped the uv. All others have recovered now but i want to do the 10 days to rid it of ich. has anyone tried this before?
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Old 03-02-2015, 01:08 PM
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you added all this within 1 month of starting up a new tank. with a tank that large its extremely hard to get your parameters to balance out. Even if you did get this sorted out it takes a long time for this body of water to level its self out. Having said that once you started adding all the fish the bio in the tnak is climbing and climbing the ammonia , nitrites and then to nitrates would build fast unless you are changing the water super fast. What about the sand bed new sand I don't see it taking 1 month to completely alive and working taking away the NO3. But with a tank are you not running a QT tank. you have a lot of nice stuff on there. but however have a UV light. its great and all but you need to source the ick from the start with a QT tank and then run UV light. nice tank BTW. but have the ick and the flat worms its a lot to deal with.
If you can get some flatworm EXIT I would use that.
as for the ick well lots of garlic if you cant take the fish that are infected out. if not I know a few people of tried draining the tank down to nothing hardly and taking the fish out that way Aquattro has done this and it worked .

that is a really nice tank and good luck my friend. I know what its like having a huge tank I myself had a240 gal 8 footer.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 03-02-2015, 06:22 PM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
you added all this within 1 month of starting up a new tank. with a tank that large its extremely hard to get your parameters to balance out. Even if you did get this sorted out it takes a long time for this body of water to level its self out. Having said that once you started adding all the fish the bio in the tnak is climbing and climbing the ammonia , nitrites and then to nitrates would build fast unless you are changing the water super fast. What about the sand bed new sand I don't see it taking 1 month to completely alive and working taking away the NO3. But with a tank are you not running a QT tank. you have a lot of nice stuff on there. but however have a UV light. its great and all but you need to source the ick from the start with a QT tank and then run UV light. nice tank BTW. but have the ick and the flat worms its a lot to deal with.
If you can get some flatworm EXIT I would use that.
as for the ick well lots of garlic if you cant take the fish that are infected out. if not I know a few people of tried draining the tank down to nothing hardly and taking the fish out that way Aquattro has done this and it worked .

that is a really nice tank and good luck my friend. I know what its like having a huge tank I myself had a240 gal 8 footer.
Yes i moved fast. like really fast....guilty, The cycle took about 12 days, as I cured dry rock in DT, then 100% Water change, added all live sand, live rock and a ton of cured pukani, plus Start Up and zeovit system. I know a few others who have setup tanks this way in this short amount of time. I beleive adding fish earlier on, with a bio digest/bioptim regiment has helped. My parameters have never been bad exept for during the initial cycle when i added live sand, rock and dry rock. Im pretty sure the ich came from the PB Tang, now long gone his legacy remains...

update - upon further reading on polyp labs medic, it seems in most cases the fish will either perish during treatment and succomb to ich or they will be ich free long term. I beleive this is what has happened so far, the weak immune system fish have died, all others seem to be ich free. Im going to be using medic for at least 10 days to be sure. As for flatworm i only suspect because my Clown Tang has had increasing black spots since i turned off the UV for medic treatment and 2 of my smaller acros have perished. I used the UV for a few hours yesterday and will for a few this week till done the treatment, the clown already seems happier..
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Old 03-02-2015, 07:34 PM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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i found what i think is a baby snail? it kinda looks like a nudibranch, either a hitch hiker or offspring anyone know what this is??

another wild one changing to reddish maybe, different time of day but the colour is getting more vivid and brighter... i need to get a real camera soon, this cell phone is driving me crazy.



i dont know what exactly this one is, a euphyllia of some sort.

The LPS and Softie side is doing really well:


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Old 03-04-2015, 03:56 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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feeling frustrated....set up a permanent quarantine.

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