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Old 01-08-2015, 12:55 PM
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I was lucky enough to check into it before hand, we bought 8 on 4 receipts and have a couple addresses we can use. Its only $5 per bucket though...
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Old 01-08-2015, 01:34 PM
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Has it not been the same for years with the IO boxing week deals? I remember years ago stocking up on 6 buckets and there was some sort of mail in rebate. Even without the rebate, I recall is saved me significantly on my annual cost. For 1.5 years now I've been using Salinity which also goes on sale, but not quite to the extent of the IO. Sorry you feel duped but I don't think anyone at Big Als would have purposely mislead you. I can't imagine what it is like working in any retail store from December until after New Years.
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Old 01-08-2015, 01:40 PM
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Default IO salt

This was what I did last time I needed salt. I picked up the phone and called Jeff at J&L, he was more than happy to set me up, and it was cheaper than you'd think, cheaper than the Boxing Day sale, even with the shipping into Alberta. If there is enough of you, do a group order, I'm sure Jeff would like the business as well. The big box stores don't accommodate too much anymore.

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Old 01-08-2015, 01:46 PM
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Wow that's brilliant !
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Old 01-08-2015, 01:56 PM
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last year limit was 2 buckets for the rebate (again fine print). As for pallet don't need whole one myself and never had luck arranging group buy.
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Old 01-08-2015, 02:45 PM
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I don't understand all these limits. The Ontario stores did it as well. Although some were nice enough to offer better pricing then big al's with no stupid rebates. In the old days I used to buy like 10 buckets and sometimes have enough salt for 2 years. I don't believe they are losing money on this.

Personally I've changed my boxing day approach to buying a ton of heavily discounted livestock and just getting 1-2 salt boxes and buying them as needed since the discounts on them are nowhere near what they used to be, vs livestock which is still 50% or more off.
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Old 01-08-2015, 04:41 PM
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It's purposely an obtuse process to discourage full participation in the rebate program. The irksome thing is that the price advertised is deceptive. As stated already, it has always been this way (what's new for me is the "one per person" limit - before, I would send in multiple applications one for my home, one for my parents house, etc. - but you can't even do that now, unless you're OK with having it addressed to a different name).

But even being status quo, maybe we really should take a few minutes to communicate that we don't approve. Frankly, the $35 price for me is not bad. If they just advertised it as "$35, or $25 after rebates, conditions apply", I might actually be less offended by this. Ok fine, they'll mail me ONE cheque for $10 as a "thank you for buying our salt." I'd be cool with that. But don't tell me the price per pail is $25 when it very clearly isn't.

Actually the pallet idea is, quite frankly, a much better option. We should make it a Canreef thing to do this on a regular basis, for those that don't already have good access to reasonably priced salt. I, for one, would not miss battling the Boxing Day crowds and overall madness..
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Old 01-08-2015, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
It's purposely an obtuse process to discourage full participation in the rebate program. The irksome thing is that the price advertised is deceptive. As stated already, it has always been this way (what's new for me is the "one per person" limit - before, I would send in multiple applications one for my home, one for my parents house, etc. - but you can't even do that now, unless you're OK with having it addressed to a different name).

But even being status quo, maybe we really should take a few minutes to communicate that we don't approve. Frankly, the $35 price for me is not bad. If they just advertised it as "$35, or $25 after rebates, conditions apply", I might actually be less offended by this. Ok fine, they'll mail me ONE cheque for $10 as a "thank you for buying our salt." I'd be cool with that. But don't tell me the price per pail is $25 when it very clearly isn't.

Actually the pallet idea is, quite frankly, a much better option. We should make it a Canreef thing to do this on a regular basis, for those that don't already have good access to reasonably priced salt. I, for one, would not miss battling the Boxing Day crowds and overall madness..

Totally agree!!! Lets just set up a large group buy. It'll be well worth it.

Anyone want to try it salinity instead of IO?

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Old 01-08-2015, 05:14 PM
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I would be in for a group salt buy , but I only use reef crystals .
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Old 01-08-2015, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by CM125 View Post
I was lucky enough to check into it before hand, we bought 8 on 4 receipts and have a couple addresses we can use. Its only $5 per bucket though...
Seems like there's 2 rebate promo codes this year. Ocean001 for $10 with 1 per address limit. Ocean002 is for $5 with 2 per address limit and is exclusive to Big Al's. For those with 3 buckets and separate receipts, maybe send 1 rebate for one promo code and the other 2 to the other promo code.

Above in the other post is the $10 one. Here is the $5 Big Al's exclusive one:

"Limited time offer, available only at Big Al’s: November 1, 2014 - February 1, 2015"

Last edited by Samw; 01-08-2015 at 06:01 PM.
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