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Old 09-09-2014, 03:52 AM
denny_C denny_C is offline
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Default Thanks everyone:)

Just want to say thanks to all those who attended it was def an awesome day , we are not sure exactly how many attended but are estimating a couple hundred and possibly more.

Since this was our first time setting up something like this we had a few set back like the power failures and computer systems going down lol but we managed to pull through.

Big thanks to everyone who volunteered and to those who help setup up and clean.

I'm sure we will be doing this again next year and will have a lot more time to plan it all out

Thanks from all of us at concept and we are glad you all had fun ,we know we sure did


Old 09-09-2014, 04:30 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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For any of you who didn't make heres a little something you guys missed out on

Sorry Matt I had to

Old 09-09-2014, 05:01 AM's Avatar is offline
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Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
For any of you who didn't make heres a little something you guys missed out on

Sorry Matt I had to

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I wish I had time to take some photos was sooo busy and loads of fun
Old 09-10-2014, 02:26 AM
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Well guys let me tell you this event was a great experience to me I had so much fun meeting new people and looking at corals all day one can complain about that except the wife
To start the weather was perfect, Denny gave us a tour of the place and showed us the tanks that they were building I could not believe my eyes..comon 1000g and it was not just one....
The day went great lots of people around buying eating and chatting but the best part was about to happen...Dinner time...It was hilarious I laughed so much with all the jokes from everyone it really made my day...and there I was glad and happy that I went to met all this wonderful people....thank you all and Ill see you next year.....
Note: For next year the steak will be cook perfectly!!!!
Alex Alzate
1.855.FRAGCAV or 416.825.6802

Old 09-10-2014, 04:06 AM
brotherd brotherd is offline
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How the heck did I miss you? Were you set up in the store?
Old 09-10-2014, 03:58 PM
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It was a pleasure meeting you Alex really glad you found the time to come down this way and meet us all, hopefully see you again before next years frag fest dinner was too funny Eli I would have traded you steaks lolol
Old 09-10-2014, 05:31 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
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Ya was a great time. Nice putting some faces to the names. Really enjoyed the day and getting to know some hobbyists/vendors better.
Thanks to Concepts for getting me setup with tank space and for hosting this great event. Concept put allot of time, effort and resources into the day so hats off to them! Ruth thanks for your immaculate bagging skills. Denny, what can a guy say about Denny... Lol. It's always a joy bud! Thanks again for everything. Alex, was great to have you here for this event, my wife and I really enjoyed spending the day with you getting to know you better both as Alex aka frag cave and as Alex just a really cool dude! Thanks to the breeders of those beautiful little neon gobies. Doing great in there new home! And thanks to anyone else who made the event possible and to those I happened to get the pleasure of meeting while there!
One of the coolest experiences for me was sitting and chatting with an older gentleman who happened to be buying a few frags from me. He was sharing with me about his entry into the hobby as he had recently taken over his daughters system. I really enjoyed the chat with this guy! I noticed him spend quite a few hours at the event, talking with others, looking around in all the tanks and all the equipment, just seemingly thoroughly engaged in his new found hobby. He looked like a little kid just so excited! Was a treat! Met some really great people throught the day.

Was a great day all around. Can't wait till next years event!
Old 09-11-2014, 11:49 AM
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Botherd I just went to meet everyone not as a vendor but next year I will
Ruth it was great to met you I think you were the first person I recognized because of your eyes from a Facebook picture:big grin:...
Denny bother you are a unique guy I can feel your good energy and let me tell you you made my day with the tour and attention even tho you were so craze busy..I had a blast and now I understand what they say u can talk no worries Im right behind you..
James you are an awesome guy I enjoyed talking to you all day long as well to your wife, what a great couple you guys are.
Thank you for the zoas I will take pictures and post them as soon as I get them.
I just feel like the hobby family got bigger!!!!!!!!
Great to met you all Im sorry i won't mention ay more name cos I just don't remember....Thanks to concepts also for organizing and as I mention before I will try to make it next year as a vendor....
Alex Alzate
1.855.FRAGCAV or 416.825.6802


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