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Old 09-03-2014, 06:55 PM
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FYI safe/proper distance is 1 car length per 10mph or 16kph so for 80kph you need 5 car lengths not 2. Not that anybody really does it but that's what it is if you were curious. Sorry about your loss, I remember you were pretty proud of that car when you got it.
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Old 09-03-2014, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
FYI safe/proper distance is 1 car length per 10mph or 16kph so for 80kph you need 5 car lengths not 2. Not that anybody really does it but that's what it is if you were curious. Sorry about your loss, I remember you were pretty proud of that car when you got it.
Thanks for the information. Yah I came to know about that after the collision. I was taught about the 2 secs rule at the defensive driving course. And yah, hardly anyone does that and if you want to do it, someone won't let you. But then again, its was my responsibility so cannot argue.

Well, it was my very first car that I owned. I even paid $260 for repairing the steering pressure hose only 2 days before the accident and filled the tank too; and not to mention the amount of money that just vanished due to my stupid decision of taking it to Canadian Tire. Thanks

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 09-03-2014, 07:06 PM
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I loved my first car a lot more than my first girlfriend so I get it. Sucks.
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Old 09-03-2014, 07:20 PM
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Sorry, I am from Saskatchewan and don't understand the no coverage thing
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Old 09-03-2014, 07:28 PM
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There's no need for the adjuster to look at your car. There only concern is the other truck. Go get your plate. And ask to give up the car alot of towing company will sell it for scrap which would cover the storage
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Old 09-04-2014, 01:10 AM
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You could have it towed to private property and let the adjuster know where it is. My girlfriend hit a post in a parking lot and bent the engine in 2. We have a friend who works for AMA, so he towed it to her house and they inspected then towed it away once it was confirmed a write off. Sucks to have more fees but if you paid them now, got it moved, could save you in the long run.

With airbags deployed, yours is a goner. could you not just report the plate stolen?

Sorry this happened to you and glad that you and your friend are ok!
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Old 09-04-2014, 01:11 AM
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I know exactly what your going through Raied I rear ended a lady 18 yrs ago truck vs car I was driving the truck minimal damage but her car was heavily damaged she took full blame for the accident but ICBC said it was my fault and I paid dearly for it. Still ****es me off to this day

As to your car as Proteus said grab your plates and give up the car to the towing company they will make all the impound fees back selling it for scrap.
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Old 09-04-2014, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
There's no need for the adjuster to look at your car. There only concern is the other truck. Go get your plate. And ask to give up the car alot of towing company will sell it for scrap which would cover the storage
I was confused since the adjuster said that his people will go and look at my car to write off. Don't really know how it all works. I have left a message for him saying that I don't want to add any more charges on a car that I won't be able to use. If he doesn't give me a call back by tomorrow afternoon, I will go grab the car and sell it off to any junk yard. Or I will see if the lot will just let me grab the plate and forfeit the car.

Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
You could have it towed to private property and let the adjuster know where it is. My girlfriend hit a post in a parking lot and bent the engine in 2. We have a friend who works for AMA, so he towed it to her house and they inspected then towed it away once it was confirmed a write off. Sucks to have more fees but if you paid them now, got it moved, could save you in the long run.

With airbags deployed, yours is a goner. could you not just report the plate stolen?

Sorry this happened to you and glad that you and your friend are ok!
I wasn't aware that you could tow the car by yourself to any place you want. I have canadian tire road side assistance and I could have brought it back home but I didn't know about that

I could report the plate stolen but that might complicate the whole thing since its already under a case number now. I am not sure though. This whole thing is new to me; it was the first time I had conversation with a police officer so I just nodded to everything he said.

Originally Posted by Dearth View Post
I know exactly what your going through Raied I rear ended a lady 18 yrs ago truck vs car I was driving the truck minimal damage but her car was heavily damaged she took full blame for the accident but ICBC said it was my fault and I paid dearly for it. Still ****es me off to this day

As to your car as Proteus said grab your plates and give up the car to the towing company they will make all the impound fees back selling it for scrap.
I didn't think that I would be getting in such a situation in such a short time. Sorry to hear about your incident too. Seems like trucks are the perfect vehicle for NA. I am moving away from the concept of buying a car next; possibly an SUV with better safety features and stuffs.

I will wait until tomorrow afternoon and then will go to the lot to settle it.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:16 AM
Gp Scott Gp Scott is offline
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Originally Posted by BuschWacker View Post
Situations like this, are the reason I bought a dash cam this summer. I see way to many people driving like a-holes everyday, it's only a matter of time before an accident happens. This way I'll at least have a complete record of any incidents that happen. You would have caught the guy on camera that made the unsafe lane change, complete with license plate, and been able to submit that to police. Money well spent in my mind.
I may be wrong but as far as I know the camera only benefits you. I think the cops and court won't even take that footage into Acount because the other person doesn't know that he or she is being recorded and you have no approval or consent to video them

I may be wrong
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Gp Scott View Post
I may be wrong but as far as I know the camera only benefits you. I think the cops and court won't even take that footage into Acount because the other person doesn't know that he or she is being recorded and you have no approval or consent to video them

I may be wrong
Public roads equals fair game however that being said dash cams could incriminate you as well it's happened before on many occasions
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