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Old 07-22-2014, 10:05 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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hillegom is on a distinguished road

Something to think about.
According to consumer reports, a 10km increase in speed above 100kph
increases the gas consumption by 10%
So if you are traveling at 120 then you are using 20% more fuel than you would if traveling at 100
Its always time versus money
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Old 07-22-2014, 10:30 PM
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Haha our speed limit on the main highway was just raised from 110 to 120 last week. I watch my fuel economy numbers skyrocket every time I get on that highway so there no doubt that's true.

Yeah an Audi is not going to happen... That's nice and all but I don't make that kind of money, and never will. Not all government type jobs actually pay well. 600 a month is more then I pay in rent, I wouldn't be getting anything that requires payments of more then 250 a month, tops. I know what kind of budget I'm working with.

I've just heard great things about the trax and its fuel economy, however mechanically I guess they haven't been out long enough.

Wish somebody actually owned one of these 2 specific ones to get their take on it. Gonna have to head down to Nanaimo and really play with that Crosstrek again.
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Old 07-23-2014, 01:19 AM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
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How big are your dogs?

I agree with most of what Sphelps said regarding picking a sedan or hatchback with the caveat that if you drive with your dogs a lot and they're big enough then headroom becomes an issue in anything smaller than a Forester.

We've got a Sedan as well and if it's just the two of us the Sedan is fine for us + dogs but if we want to throw another couple in the back seat it's really nice to be able to put the dogs in the rear area.

Our two fit perfectly in the Forester's cargo area, we looked at a small hatchback and it just wasn't enough space. Ours are a border collie (50lbs) and Karelian bear dog (60lbs).
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