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Old 07-20-2014, 01:40 AM
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Great name for your thread! Tagging along! I also like the look of your workshop. Hmm.. got me thinking...
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Old 07-20-2014, 02:30 PM
DemoReef DemoReef is offline
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Default Project Phoenix

I found anther shot of the back rock wall showing a bit more detail.

With the back wall in place, it was time to get water into the system. I had been hording RO/DI water already for that moment, but I have only storage for about 50 gal, and that made hardly a dent. So, like many before me, I hooked that 1/4" plastic hose from the RO/DI unit over the rim..and let'er trickle..for a long time.
And eventually it was full.

A couple of notes to the above picture.
First, you may notice the whitish deposit on the bottom pond liner. That is residue from mixing salt in the tank. I am not to crazy about this Coral Life stuff, I prefer IO. It was a pain to get off the glass. On a positive note tho, I don't mind the lighter color of the bottom, also the rock work was 2 different shades of gray due to the different cement mixes for rock and the concrete used to bond the rocks together. The residue made this all blend together.

Second, I installed 2 intake strainers for the CL, made out of 1.5" PVC and a 90 elbow. The PVC pipe was slotted on the table saw and then the works was painted black with Krylon.

At this point I had also put in some clam meat to start things up.

Next adventure was the moving of a almost 30" tall by 20" diameter, at the bottom, rock tower I had made some time earlier. It had been curing in a garbage can for the last couple of month and was ready to go. I am doing it by myself and the weight of the thing is something like 70lbs.

Step 1 was to get it onto a stack of IO buckets. (Sorry for the terrible focus on the pic)

Step 2 set it onto the edge of the euro bracing, carefully

And in..thank you for salt water buoyance making the tower lighter as I had to lean over the tank from the ladder, lowering it in.

Just a tad tall
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Old 08-03-2014, 10:30 PM
DemoReef DemoReef is offline
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The Evergrow D120 v.2 LED's are up and running. I am very happy with the coverage I am getting.

In the image above the lights are running at 50% on both the white and blue channels.

I have also started to move some livestock into the tank.

My 330gal Built
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Old 08-11-2014, 10:56 PM
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Very cool! Tagging along.
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Old 04-30-2015, 01:30 AM
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Hey, Thomas, just a looked at your tank build. I see most of the posts are from last summer when I was not on canreef much, so I missed it then. But looks very interesting with your fiberglass/plywood tank bottom and the artificial live rock.

Time to post some new pics and a little update on your progress,... and with your carbon dosing, etc.
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Old 05-06-2015, 03:36 AM
DemoReef DemoReef is offline
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Yes, I am way overdue on an update on this project.
There just didn't seem to much to report. The tank is just now coming to the end of its "New Tank Phase". It went through the Diatom -> Red Cyano -> Blue/Green Cyano stages, with blue/green fading out now. I also have a bit of red turf algae going that I am not to worried about as my four Tangs seem to be quite fond of it.
This last week I had the opportunity to combine business with a bit of pleasure. I was able to stop by at Reef Pilot's home on my way back from Vancouver and see his beautiful setup and take some awesome sps frags back with me.
The frags have been in the tank for a few days now and seem to be content, but it is a bit early to tell if they like my setup. I will post some pictures on the weekend to keep a record.
I should also write a few lines about my current maintenance regime.
Since I added living creatures into the tank I have been doing a daily 1% water change. I look for the dirtiest spot in the tank and siphon/replace about 4 gal. I have 2 x 30gal Brute cans to store ASW and RODI for my weeks needs. I can do this in about 5 minutes which makes it very easy as part of my evening feeding. And in my case easy means I actually do it.
I also began Vinegar dosing right at the start using a dosing pump, adding 10 x 15ml in 1 hr intervals throughout the lit time. Ph goes from 8.2 in the morning to 8.3 by lights out.
About 3 month ago I came to the point with the carbon dosing where I could no longer detect NO3 with my Salifert kit but PO4 was still reading in the 0.1 to 0.2 range on a Hanna meter. I understand that this is quite a common situation and the reason why a lot of aquarists also use GFO or similar products to reduce PO4 further. In my reading on the subject I came across a number of references (Reef Central has good thread on it) to adding NO3 to the dosing regime. I purchased some Calcium Nitrate (15% Nitrate, 19% Cal) from a local Hydroponics store and mix 100 grams of this with 1 litre of RODI and dose 15ml/day. By doing this PO4 has declined quickly.
My measurements last Sunday where PO4 0.03 (Hanna) and NO3 2.5ppm (Salifert). Algae growth has decreased (seems counter intuitive when adding plant fertilizer) The only minor drawback to this is that my water is not crystal clear, always a little cloudy, most likely due to bacteria volume. I am hoping that the system itself will take care of this in time with increased filter feeders. Also adding more coral should help with this
If others have tried or are nitrate dosing I would love to hear about those experiences.

I will continue this with some new pictures this coming weekend..
My 330gal Built
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Old 05-06-2015, 03:39 PM
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Cool build. Really like that rock tower you built.
A question bout your back wall. Is it not right up against the back pane of glass?
If it is just leaning against it than is there a space where stagnant water can sit? I'm just asking cuz there's another member on here that had a piece of acrylic that came away from his back pane and he was positive it was causing water parameter issues.
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Old 05-06-2015, 03:56 PM
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This tank is definitely a little "different" with the artificial live rock, non glass tank bottom, calcium nitrate dosing, etc, etc. Kudos to you, Thomas, for stepping out of the popular norms, and be willing to test new thinking. And I know you have done a lot of research. I will certainly be following with interest and looking forward to your progress.
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Old 05-06-2015, 09:15 PM
DemoReef DemoReef is offline
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Cool build. Really like that rock tower you built.
A question bout your back wall. Is it not right up against the back pane of glass?
If it is just leaning against it than is there a space where stagnant water can sit? I'm just asking cuz there's another member on here that had a piece of acrylic that came away from his back pane and he was positive it was causing water parameter issues.
The bottom edge of the rock wall sits about 3/4 inch away from the back glass.
I can observe the area through the back glass and can see water movement caused by the Tunze wave maker in there. I can get a siphon hose into that gap from the 4 port holes for the closed loop outlets and get the gunk out as it builds up. Should it cause a problem in the future I can pipe the outlet of a power head into that gap.

Thank you for your encouraging words.
My 330gal Built
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