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Old 07-14-2014, 05:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
Doesn't look to bad.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I envisioned it everywhere considering how you described it in your other thread. Are you sure you couldn't add to your CUC to target it?
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:51 AM
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I would agree with them as well, it doesn't look that bad! Certainly looks manageable with a well placed sea hare maybe. But hey, who am I to stand in the way of a tank REBOOT!
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
I would agree with them as well, it doesn't look that bad! Certainly looks manageable with a well placed sea hare maybe. But hey, who am I to stand in the way of a tank REBOOT!
True that! I was actually looking forward to Greg's reboot thread!
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Old 07-14-2014, 06:10 AM
apexifd apexifd is offline
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This is an gha out break.. And I was able to recover from it with wc, abalone, etc.
150DD mix reef with 90 gal sump and 40gal frag tank

purple tang, sohal tang, yellow eye kole tang, fairy wrasse. cleaner wrasse, leopard wrasse, and misc fish.

GHL Mitras 6200HV X 2, MP40 X 2, MP60 X 1, tunze 6095 X 2, Vertex RX6 calcium reactor, Bubble King SM250, Aquamaxx bio pellets reactor, Profilux 3
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Old 07-14-2014, 01:22 PM
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Thanks for the encouragement guys
I'm plucking it out when I have time

I don't really want to change anything IN the tank, just all the stuff attached to it
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Old 07-14-2014, 01:38 PM
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I've had ha in this manner before and nothing a few extra hermit's and turbos along with a seahare won't fix. Also Dez had luck using Peroxide
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Old 07-26-2014, 07:58 PM
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I think I have the GHA under control
I plucked all I could grab, then scrubbed everything in-tank with a nail brush and toothbrushes. Then I turkey basted everything until it all stayed clear - all the while the Vortechs were on full blast and everything eventually went into the socks
Then I did my WC
All that took me over 3 hours
A week later and it's no longer growing like gangbusters so all I have to do now is stay ahead of it until it dies off
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Old 07-26-2014, 08:55 PM
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I finally completed my sump room exhaust plan;
For 2 years I've been thinking about how to get the warm, humid air out
I first thought about using a bathroom exhaust fan with a Humidistat and an AC controller. By the time I added up all the parts I decided it was too costly and that's why it's taken 2 years to finalize the job
A rough build cost for a high flow fan with a low sones (noise) rating, 2 controllers and all the relays involved, I was looking at over $250

The chiller fills the room with hot air causing me to need to run the AC or risk the chiller losing efficiency in an overheated room. But there's nowhere for the humidity and salt/skimmer smell to go with the door closed
I decided to run sump fans to cut down on chiller usage and noticed a big improvement in both chiller runtime and room temp, but increased room humidity with sump evaporation
So I thought about using a fan and dryer vent to take room air outside when the sump fans run and it hit me ! I can do the same thing with the chiller exhaust !!!
Results are an office/sump room that's now the same temp as the house vs 2-5 degrees hotter

I bought a dryer vent kit, a second stand-alone vent, a cheap storage tote and a powersupply big enough for the sump/exhaust fans. Total cost was under $65
I already had on hand 5 fans - 4 for the sump system and one for the chiller exhaust. These were about $50. Plus a PC fan adapter that may have been $10, and a powersupply for the chiller fan setup that was $15. So, for less than $135 I'm done
The PC fans are also quieter than any bathroom fan and I hardly hear them
Yes it's fugly, but it's just my office ...

The sump fans turn on just 2 tenths of a degree before the chiller, but it's enough to delay it coming on by hours
I'm using more ATO water but no biggie
Sump fans

Storage tote

Storage tote with one end cut off and 110CFM PC fan. This allows the fan to draw room air instead of fighting the chiller's fan

Back of chiller where tote mounts

Storage tote with fan and duct adapter
I cut the adapter in half and trimmed the pieces down to 3 inches
One piece for the vent and the other for the back of the tote
You'll see where I cut the end of the adapter so I had a way to tape it in place

Mounted on chiller

Back of chiller vent where second half of duct adapter mounts to

Plumbed to vent with sump fan vent


Here you see how the fans are strong enough to open the dampers
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Old 07-26-2014, 09:01 PM
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Your title should say diy king
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Old 07-26-2014, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
Your title should say diy king
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