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Old 09-17-2004, 10:00 PM
powerboy powerboy is offline
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Default clown eggs

Well, it seems my little ocellaris clowns have taken a liking to laying eggs. This is their second attempt, and the first ones were not sucessfull due to in part of location wasnt all that good and they only had 20 or so eggs laid. This time they have what seems like a few hundred eggs, and they are in the final stages of hatching. The little guys have eyes et al

My question is, has anyone had any survive by simply doing nothing and letting them be? I think I already know the answer to this, however, i may get lucky!

I may build a small acrylic holding tank for them that i will place in my display tank or even in the sump.

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Old 09-17-2004, 10:28 PM
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They simply cannot get the nutrition they need. Raising clownfry is an arduous task.
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Old 09-17-2004, 10:57 PM
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Default Re: clown eggs

Fry of most species of fish require a separate tank, already cycled. It's best to use a sponge filter powered by an air pump. Food for newborn fry would likely have to be rotifers. Once they grow up a little, they can eat newly hatched brine shrimp. After that they can eat enriched, two day old and older brine shrimp. Depending on water quality, daily water changes will probably be needed.

Here are some pages on rearing food for your fry. They are taken from, and even though you don't have seahorse fry, food rearing is still the same:


Brine Shrimp:


Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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Old 09-18-2004, 03:06 AM
Seamonkey Seamonkey is offline
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my clown pair lay eggs often, and they always become fishy food for the tank I'ts fun watching them attend to the clutch though, and then one morning there just all gone....
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Old 09-18-2004, 06:30 AM
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Default Re: clown eggs

Originally Posted by powerboy
My question is, has anyone had any survive by simply doing nothing and letting them be? I think I already know the answer to this, however, i may get lucky!
Unfortunately, no, you won't get lucky. They will not last the night if they are not siphoned out into their own tank. Sad harsh reality of life in the ocean in that just about everything tastes pretty good to something, if not everybody.
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