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Old 09-10-2004, 05:50 PM
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Default Questions about zoos

Was thinking about setting up a frag grow out tank(55gal) for zoos and other assorted corals when I finally set up the 115.Was on the Garf site and like their rack system.One of their statements about zoo growth was they noticed better growth on tanks with no skimmers,anyone have any exsperience with this?What method worked best for you,keeping in mind this tank will be house only frags on a rack system,no fish or live rock.
I'll be using a large canister filter for filtration

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Old 09-10-2004, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: Questions about zoos


Don't know about the skimmer thing, but I would still have some live rock in the tank for biological filtration even though you will have no fish. I assume you would be feeding the tank something , though I don't know what it would be and the LR would be beneficial in handling the waste from whatever you feed. Just a thought ....

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Old 09-12-2004, 08:51 PM
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This may give you some insight on the feeding of corals.
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Old 09-13-2004, 01:21 AM
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Jim, I keep some of my zoos in a 15 gallon tank with LR, and a canister filter. I sometimes feed them FD Cyclop-eeze, and of course like my other tanks, no skimmer. They do very well. From what I understand zoanthids filter feed, so it would make a lot of sense not to use a skimmer.
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Old 09-13-2004, 02:03 AM
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I have my 20 high set up with a multi-level rack made from egg crate all ready to go with one of my fluval 404's,just have to get some lights.I eventually want to take frags from all the zoos I have in the main tank and grow more.

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Old 09-13-2004, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by kuatto
I have my 20 high set up with a multi-level rack made from egg crate all ready to go with one of my fluval 404's,just have to get some lights.I eventually want to take frags from all the zoos I have in the main tank and grow more.
I need a rack to photograph my "For Sale" zoos. It sounds Like I will have to sell my current crop real soon, as there is competition on the horizon
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Old 09-13-2004, 03:20 AM
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You control the southern part and I'll control the northern part.
I won't bother with mh lights for the frag tank,just some vho's or even just marine glow no.The green zoos that I got from you when I first started grew like mad under normal flouresence and just a canister for filtration,so no sense in getting all fancy(save that for my main tank )

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Old 09-13-2004, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by kuatto
You control the southern part and I'll control the northern part.
I won't bother with mh lights for the frag tank,just some vho's or even just marine glow no.The green zoos that I got from you when I first started grew like mad under normal flouresence and just a canister for filtration,so no sense in getting all fancy(save that for my main tank )
Actually I have very little interest in controlling anything. If anyone is interested in purchasing my zoanthids, I will sell them to that person wherever they live.

However, as to growthrates. Those green ones do indeed grow like mad. I have another zoo, which is called "Fluorescent Green/Orange zoos", which is much more colorful, and looks fantastic under some actinics. They have almost the same growth rate as the green zoos. There is another one that I got from Christy, which has orange centers. It also spreads quickly. Other zoos that look really nice spread at a much slower rate. I have had some over a year, and I am just beginning to frag those
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Old 09-13-2004, 11:01 PM
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Bob, I wish you lived in Edmonton. I bought a quarter sized frag of the same type of green/orange zoos (with really long tentacles) a couple of years ago in my old tank. They looked great and grew like crazy. When I got rid of the tank a year later, they had completely covered the 7x8 rock they were on. Now that I have the new tank I've been looking for more of them.

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Old 09-14-2004, 02:18 PM
IslandReefer IslandReefer is offline
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Default zoo lighting and skimmerless

I agree. My zoos under 250mh+ skimmer do OK, But the zoos (some the same) do Grrreat in my 15 tall (apx 20in deep) under 2x32w PC (50:50) and no skimmer.
The nano water is maintained with 3gal/2wk changes+Ca and alk. with a dash of cyclo-eeze+DT when I remember.
The Pipe organ coral I got off Tony loves the nano too.....

its all about quality, not quantity.....
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