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Old 04-17-2014, 10:35 PM
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Default FS: SPS Frags and colonies in Edmonton

Hi Everyone,

I'll be shutting down my 225 gallon tank here in the next month and need the corals to go first. There are several huge colonies that I'm willing to frag, but prefer to sell as colony size pieces.

The list is below and I'll include a link to pictures. Items not listed are spoken for or not for sale.

Please email

***Type*** **Price Per Frag** *Price Colony Size*
Purple Digi 10 50
Orange Digi 10 50
Superman Digi 10 100
Forest Fire Digi 40 NA
German Blue Digi 10 NA
Green Branching Monti 10 100
Orange Monti 10 100
Green Monti 10 NA
Lime Green Monti 10 100
Red Monti 10 50
Grape Monti 20 NA
Monti Spongodes 20 100
Monti Confussa 20 100
Monti Setosa Orange 30 NA
Monti Capitata 20 150
Garf Bonsai 30 250
Standard Bonsai 20 100
Wicked Bonsai 20 NA
Red Planet 40 NA
Red Convexa 20 150
Purple Poison Shortcake 40 200
Shades of Fall 40 300
Alien Green Acropora 10 NA
Humilis Acropora 30 100
Hi Lighter Acropora 20 100
Tricolor Acropora 20 100
Green Deep Water Acropora 20 120
Tricolor Acro with light blue tips and green base 30 Na
Tricolor Acro with deep purple tips and white base 30 NA
Purple pocilipora 20 80
Green Pocilipora 10 80
Green Milli 10 NA
Purple Milli 30 NA
Sunrise Milli 40 NA
Red Milli 20 150
Sky Blue Stag 40 200
Teal with blue tip Stag 20 200
Blue Stag 40 200
Green Slimer Stag 10 80
Teal Stag x2 10 200
Sully Stag (blue with purple polyps, named it myself YAH!) 50 250
Abrotanoides 30 100
Birds Of Paradise 40 300
Hollywood Stunner 20 80
Gold Challice NA 300
Multiple Ricordeas 15 NA
Frogspawn Bright Green purple (8+ heads) 20 100
Frogspawn Green Pink (12+ heads) 20 120
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Old 04-18-2014, 05:43 PM
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Which part of city u lived in?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 04-20-2014, 03:05 PM
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waynemah waynemah is offline
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Located in Millwoods area in Edmonton.

Updated list...

Superman Digi $10.00
Green Branching Monti $10.00
Green Monti $10.00
Lime Green Monti $10.00
Red Monti $10.00
Grape Monti $20.00
Monti Spongodes $20.00
Monti Confussa $20.00
Garf Bonsai $30.00 (Colony for $250, It's about the size of a large fist)
Standard Bonsai $20.00 (Colony for $100)
Red Convexa $20.00
Purple Poison Shortcake $40.00
Shades of Fall $40.00 (Colony for $300, this thing is about 8" in diameter and is near mint).
Alien Green Acropora $10.00
Humilis Acropora $30.00
Tricolor Acropora $20.00
Green Deep Water Acropora $20.00
Tricolor Acro with light blue tips and green base $30.00
Purple pocilipora $20.00
Green Pocilipora $10.00
Purple Milli $30.00
Sunrise Milli $40.00 (single frag left)
Sky Blue Stag $40.00
Teal with blue tip Stag $20.00
Blue Stag $40.00
Green Slimer Stag $10.00
Teal Stag $10.00
Sully Stag (blue with purple polyps, named it myself YAH!) $50.00
Abrotanoides $30.00
Birds Of Paradise $40.00
Hollywood Stunner $20.00
Gold Challice $300.00
Frogspawn Bright Green purple (8+ heads) $80.00

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Old 04-21-2014, 05:02 AM
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waynemah waynemah is offline
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Challice gone to a good home!

Updated list!

Superman Digi $10.00
Green Monti $10.00
Lime Green Monti $10.00
Red Monti $10.00
Grape Monti $20.00
Monti Spongodes $20.00
Monti Confussa $20.00
Standard Bonsai $20.00
Red Convexa $20.00
Purple Poison Shortcake $40.00
Alien Green Acropora $10.00
Humilis Acropora $30.00
Tricolor Acropora $20.00
Tricolor Acro with light blue tips and green base $30.00
Purple pocilipora $20.00
Green Pocilipora $10.00
Sunrise Milli $40.00
Sky Blue Stag $40.00
Teal with blue tip Stag $20.00
Blue Stag $40.00
Green Slimer Stag $10.00
Teal Stag $10.00
Sully Stag (blue with purple polyps, named it myself YAH!) $50.00
Abrotanoides $30.00
Hollywood Stunner $20.00
Frogspawn Bright Green purple (8+ heads) $80.00
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Old 04-21-2014, 05:04 AM
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If only I had an empty tank and a full wallet!!
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Old 04-21-2014, 05:10 AM
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I hope you still have some things at the end of May when i'll be in Edmonton. What about the fish in your photobook pics? Are they already out and gone?
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Old 04-21-2014, 05:22 AM
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All of the fish are already spoken for. Mandie is quite attached to a few fish, so we made sure they are going to a home where we can visit
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Old 04-24-2014, 03:15 AM
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All gone thanks everyone!
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