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Old 04-07-2014, 03:22 PM
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Good to know my price isn't completely out to lunch. You're the first person to mention such a WIDE gap between primed unprimed. I knew it would be a difference, just didn't realize it would be that much. Maybe I'll just suck it up on the cost? I just can't seem to wrap my mind around $650 for a door.

I am not somebody you want anywhere near paint or stain. I am a disaster. I am forbidden touch it as I can't be near the stuff without becoming a disaster.
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Old 04-07-2014, 04:40 PM
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Does it have to be stained?

I went with white for a door under my stairs with a pretty severe truncated height to work with (possibly even less than 70"). I just went with a flat white door so it wouldn't matter if I trimmed the top and and bottom off.

If you trim a hollow door, just be sure to reblock the new end (I just took the block that came off and reglued it in in place).
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Old 04-07-2014, 06:26 PM
rival10 rival10 is offline
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Just checked at Windsor here in Cranbrook. A knotty pine door is $119. They will take a regular height door and cut it down to size, and will machine the hinge spaces and door knob holes for another $35. A lot of new homes have knotty pine that is stained and then clear coated.

The new wiping stains they have nowadays are a lot easier to use. Find the colour you like, apply and wipe, just watch that you don't overlap the sides when you do the front and back.

Not sure the width you need......that might make a difference in price....but not a lot.
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Old 04-08-2014, 06:44 PM
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Try out Tims reusables.
They sell reclaimed housing supplies.
So lots of old doors.

Not too far from Concept.
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Old 04-09-2014, 03:47 PM
Rich82 Rich82 is offline
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Did you try united wood products? They are just south of the city by Aldersyde.
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