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Old 02-03-2014, 03:00 PM
Oilers Oilers is offline
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WORST SUPER BOWL EVER! Heck, the game was over 12 seconds in!!!
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Old 02-03-2014, 04:07 PM
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A little like the Grey Cup huh? With Sask doing a number on Hamilton. I think that was a tad more entertaining to watch though, at least Hamilton got on the board with a little more gusto than Denver in the Stupor Bowl. I don't watch pro sports of any kind as much as I used to. Something has changed since my younger days. Pretty well every pro sport now involves some sort of doping, a bunch of superhuman freaks out to make insane amounts of money. Still watch soccer though & the Grey Cup most years. Something about the east/west rivalry in the Grey Cup makes it a special game & to me Canadian football has always been more interesting to watch than the American game. I also get a real kick out of the American announcers calling the Super Bowl winning team "World Champions"! How pretentious. Same goes for the "World Series" of baseball. Where do these guys get off? Granted, both leagues would likely overpower any other country that tried to enter the fray, but there's something not right about being so pompous as to tout youself as world champs without even considering the rest of the world! Don't think I've ever heard the Stanley Cup champs referred to as "World Champions".
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Last edited by mike31154; 02-03-2014 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 02-03-2014, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
I also get a real kick out of the American announcers calling the Super Bowl winning team "World Champions"! How pretentious. Same goes for the "World Series" of baseball. Where do these guys get off? Granted, both leagues would likely overpower any other country that tried to enter the fray, but there's something not right about being so pompous as to tout youself as world champs without even considering the rest of the world! Don't think I've ever heard the Stanley Cup champs referred to as "World Champions".
I thought the same when I kept hearing that yesterday. And like you, am a little jaded with pro sports these days. I tend to only watch some play-offs and championship games now.

Hockey is even worse for me now (esp the Canucks). Too many goon tactics, and bad sportsmanship. Used to watch hockey a lot when I was young, but hardly at all now. Olympics is more interesting to me, but even there, too much money and doping scandals are spoiling that, too.
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Old 02-03-2014, 05:02 PM
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I dunno, Peyton walking off the field without doing the handshakes with the other team? Kinda poor sportsmanship and out of character for Peyton. If it really was his last game would that be how he wants to end things? <Edit: I just remembered he did the same thing when the Colts lost to the Saints in the Superbowl. Guess it's not out of character>

Personally I really enjoyed the game. I'm a Seahawks fan and watching them walk all over the favored Broncos was a treat Especially the times there was a big play for the Seahawks defense.
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Old 02-03-2014, 06:09 PM
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He shook the hand of a few of the Seahawk players, I don't think most of the Broncos or any loosing team hang around much after loosing a championship game, regular season ya but there's too much going on otherwise. I would be heading for the tunnel too. It' not like hockey where they line up after the game.
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Old 02-03-2014, 08:02 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I watched it and since I'm a big Seahawks fan, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Seahawks' defence, offence, and special teams beat up on the much favoured Broncos. It was a total team win. The Broncos seemed to be discombobulated after the safety 12 seconds in and never recovered from it. It was like they heard and believed all the press about them being the best offence, highest scoring offence ever. Didn't come psychologically prepared IMO. But the Broncos also lost to the Colts after falling behind. The Seahawks, on the other hand, came from behind several times during the season. The Broncos didn't have the mental toughness to compete on Sunday and they didn't have the physical toughness to stand up to the LEGION OF BOOOOOM!!!!

Like I was texting to my friend during the game, if I had bet $1000 that the Seahawks would be winning 20+ to zero at halftime, I probably could have gotten 1000 to one odds and been a millionaire before the game ended. Nobody saw this shellacking coming.
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