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Old 01-22-2014, 01:02 AM
Skim Skim is offline
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Well neoh, I am just planning on getting back into it. I had to tare down my tank when the Girlfriend and I broke up just as it was starting to run smoothly and things started to look real good. The tank has been sitting for about 7Yrs with water and rock in it with some circulation pretty much just as it was put when I moved. I guess the bug has bit again, I remember just sitting in front of the tank and Corals Polyps sticking out softies swaying Fish swimming ya just getting lost. I remember when friends would come over I could leave the room for like 20 min half hour and come back and say so how's it going I would get UH oh sorry I was lost for a min ya more like 20 and kids well you think they where at Disney Land. One kid would make here Mom stop at our place to see the Tank every time they came to see her Grandmother( lived down the hall ) first not after.
I am at the cross roads too, what if I invest all this Money again and fail do I have the time, what if it turns into a big pool of Cyno, red black green pool of muck!

I know this if and when I get things rolling I will be going with the Miracle Mud or Algae Scrubber method something you may want to look into, because the results I have see so far you could have the best Skimmer money could buy and not get results like people are getting with these two methods.

All the best and hope this may be of some inspiration for you.

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Old 01-22-2014, 02:49 AM
Ken Ken is offline
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Hi neoh, don't give up, I have been in this hobby for over 40 years, never thought about giving up at all, its all about simplicity at times, don't get too high tech in all the equipment's but keep it the kiss rule, keep it simple stupid rule. If you can't keep certain corals, move on, it just means it takes more care. Stay with something that is simple, for that it would give you the most satisfaction. Envy those who has difficult tank, they are just more dedicated to them. It takes time and patience, if you don't have that then you need simple easy care stock. If you don't have the time or dedication to pay attention to extreme water quality for more delicate creatures, then keep less hardy stock. I seen many tanks that are extremely beautiful, but those hobbyist spend countless time and money to make what it is, if you don't want to break the bank keep it simple and you will be in this hobby as long as I have, I hope this will encourage you to stick with it, I talk to many hobbyist that are just in the verge of quitting and frustrated, and all it takes is a little encouragement to keep you going without hating this hobby, I wish I was closer then I could talk to you, hopefully someone here can be there to support you. regards ken
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Old 01-22-2014, 02:50 AM
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I think of quitting every day. Pretty soon, gonna happen
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Old 01-22-2014, 03:49 AM
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I went through this last year. Lots of coral losses, no time to really put into the tank, frustrated and kinda lost interest. But i invested a ton of money into a new set up so i was also irritated I'd lose too much selling it off.

So I've taken it easy, kept up water changes added a few coral here and there but nothing hi priced and just let the tank do its thing. Tank has been set up 2 years now and no where near what others are in the same amount of time, but I've found a groove that works for me and lately things are turning around.

I haven't had a signifant crash, or major algae issue in a long time, but I have struggled. Talk to people here, find someone who can come over and help diagnose solutions for you. Sometimes someone else will see something you are missing. Don't quit.
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Old 01-22-2014, 04:11 AM's Avatar is offline
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I want to bring my tank to work... I spend more time at work than I do at home
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Old 01-22-2014, 04:42 AM
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Originally Posted by View Post
I want to bring my tank to work... I spend more time at work than I do at home
Lol I so want a small cube at work but I think my co workers will think I nuts . I could never quit I could loose everything in my life but I could still loose myself in my reef tank.
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Old 01-22-2014, 05:18 AM
Dive_dry Dive_dry is offline
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I know your pain I almost threw in the towel a week ago velvet got in my tank. Now I have stepped back just letting my tank sit as I am building an equipment room in my basement so routine matiance will be quick and easy. Turn 4 or 5 valves and a 50g water change done and fast using my hammerhead pump & mag12 pump.
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Old 01-22-2014, 01:50 PM
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Maybe you're taking it too seriously. If you see it as a chore you've pretty much missed the point or moved on already.
I have to go out and buy more snails for my hermit crabs.
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Old 01-22-2014, 02:16 PM
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I completely agree. Once it feels far more of a chore to run your tank than a hobby, then it is time to cash it in and take a break.

I am sure some day down the road, I will get to that point. For me, I have young kids that are in bed by 7pm and I have lots of time to burn in the evenings. So the hobby is great for my lifestyle right now and I am totally into it. Once the kids start going to bed at 9, are in hockey, dance, etc every night then I am sure my routine will slack and I will get to a point where it is not worth it anymore.

I have been fortunate to not experience any crashes. It may happen sometime though... All it takes is a failed pump, extended power outage, etc. But that is the risk you take in this hobby because the reward can be great.

Best of luck and you just have to decide to get out of buckle down and get to work. Run GFO, replace faulty equipment and keep up on water changes and your tank will be back with time.
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Old 01-23-2014, 05:39 AM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
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I get mad and want to throw in the towel when frags go missing!!! I know they are wall ornaments for my pistol shrimp!!!
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