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Old 12-05-2013, 02:47 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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Those warnings "IMO" are in case you buy the product and you are a total moron about electrical, I have 3 of these heaters and they work great.
I would say most of us have common sense and use it, but there may be some out there that do not, so they have to cover their butt!!
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 12-05-2013, 03:14 PM
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I’ve never quite understood the reasoning behind having dozens of warnings on various common sense things. If a person is too stupid to not submerge the controller for the heater do you think they are smart enough to read the warning section?

Not to mention, how far should humanity go to protect incredibly stupid people? I’d prefer the ghost of Darwin step in and add some ozone to the gene pool. If people that dumb get a chance to breed we’ve removed natural selection as a process for humanity.
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Old 12-05-2013, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
I’ve never quite understood the reasoning behind having dozens of warnings on various common sense things. If a person is too stupid to not submerge the controller for the heater do you think they are smart enough to read the warning section?

Not to mention, how far should humanity go to protect incredibly stupid people? I’d prefer the ghost of Darwin step in and add some ozone to the gene pool. If people that dumb get a chance to breed we’ve removed natural selection as a process for humanity.
lol nice

This makes me think of Jerry Seinfeld's standup

"Did you know that on the original Superman halloween costume, there is actually a warning that says This costume does not give you the ability to Fly! Right, I'd like to see the kid that's stupid enough to think he can fly, but smart enough to read the box for the warning"


And I agree, Darwin would be rolling over in his grave. We are evolving backwards as a society now.
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Old 12-05-2013, 04:33 PM
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Well its in there and will be turned on shortly.

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Old 12-05-2013, 04:34 PM
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You actually read the label?
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Old 12-05-2013, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
You actually read the label?
Ya I know. Was bored so read the little booklet.
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Old 12-05-2013, 06:29 PM
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I think those warnings are just to cover their a**es because they know that 99.9% of people who buy them will plug them in to a power bar, or some sort of extension cord. I mean really, who has enough wall sockets to run an entire aquarium, and how else can you use this thing with a controller? That way, if your house burns down, even if it was 100% the heater's fault, they're pretty much un-suable because they'll be able to claim you weren't following their safety instructions.
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Old 12-05-2013, 06:48 PM
Bill Bill is offline
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Talking heater

I have one, many years old and still going strong. I have to admit that I also read the brochures, it keeps me from falling asleep in front of my tank. I really like the one that comes with the metal halide bulbs about UV radiation this and don't look at the bulb that. I've been staring athemforyearsnowandther'snotingwromgwithme!

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Old 12-05-2013, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Bill View Post
I have one, many years old and still going strong. I have to admit that I also read the brochures, it keeps me from falling asleep in front of my tank. I really like the one that comes with the metal halide bulbs about UV radiation this and don't look at the bulb that. I've been staring athemforyearsnowandther'snotingwromgwithme!

I'd like to be the first to congratulate Bill on his 69th post. It's a magical # and it's gone too soon...

I also have a via titanium heater, does the trick for my daughter's nano and works in tandem with the chiller quite well.
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Old 12-05-2013, 10:08 PM
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I too have 3 of those. And after reading all the instructions you just posted,well I've pretty much broke every one of their rules. They do get extremely hot, I always forget to unplug when doing a water change and only notice when I can smell the heat. 2 of them work great and the other one is out by 8 degrees.
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