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Old 10-09-2013, 01:06 AM
mulch123 mulch123 is offline
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Thumbs down 75 gallon crashing

Hi every one, I recently upgraded my 30 gallon Bio cube to a 75 gallon with a canister filter and protein skimmer everything was going great until recently my 2 fish got ich. I purchased a product called Ich-X and since using this product my ph, ammonia, and fish have all been crashing my coral beauty angel is almost dead has any one ever experienced this or anything like this.
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Old 10-09-2013, 01:27 AM
Coral Hoarder Coral Hoarder is offline
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i filed a 125 galon reef tank with 500-1000 bucks in fish scimer canfilter coral live rock the works it crashed 3 times times time one velvet kiled them all .time two ich kiled them all now i have tryed very reef safe and semi safe med on the market at this point i took all the rock the scimmer and the corals out and re stalked it ich whiped them out again and now the tank is freash water with no problems

the corals are curently in a 29 galon led bio cube no scimmer no sump reactors just the rock coral and fish and some bio cem stars they have got ich(the three fish) and got over it wit out a problem 4 times now

after looking at the set ups and what difers was how clean my reef is and how dirty my old tank used to be also my reef has a crazy thin sand bed where my old tank used to have a 3 inch bed that always got disturbed i have read then ich grows in the sand for the most part i would romove sand for the futcher and remember tokeep the water clean !
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Old 10-09-2013, 01:37 AM
mulch123 mulch123 is offline
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Thanks Scott, Only problem with removing the sand is I have a sea pen coral that likes to have his foot in about 2 to 3 inches of sand. Would you recommend removing them and treating my other tank with copper and i have been doing 25% water changes for the last week to battle this Ich.

And I have 4 fish in the tank and only 2 seem to be affected by the Ich.
Sail Fin Tang
Coral Beauty Angel
Clown Fish
The first 2 are the only ones who seem to have Ich and since using the Ich-X they look like they are declining they also are starting to have cloudy eyes.
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Old 10-09-2013, 02:01 AM
Coral Hoarder Coral Hoarder is offline
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if you have a qt tank you could treet them in ?

if you tret the sand or rock or even the tank with coper you can never use it for coral or inverts again

any way if you dont have a set up you can treat with coper you have to be preparied to loose it all in 2 days i know its harsh but its the truth

i dont think that fish should be taken out of the wild any more its rewining our reefs altho this is a fish ceeping foum and i can see that lots of people dis agree with me but its just my opinion so please dont hate on it tell me that my coral is frm the reefs because i got most of it from sources that grew it them selfs

btw im sory you are having this comin problem most of us know how you feel and it sucks

good luck - scott
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Old 10-09-2013, 02:43 AM
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huh...when are you going to start doing quarantine?? It's the only way to avoid what you experienced...already 3 times. amazing.

Removing the sand at this point will be pointless. Using copper to treat ick is like using a bazooka to kill a fly. you get the idea. It will probably kill weak fish as well. Best would be hyposalinity as it is easy on the fish and does not pollute or ruine the liverock. Of course it is not to be used with invertebrate or coral.

Originally Posted by scott tang View Post
i filed a 125 galon reef tank with 500-1000 bucks in fish scimer canfilter coral live rock the works it crashed 3 times times time one velvet kiled them all .time two ich kiled them all now i have tryed very reef safe and semi safe med on the market at this point i took all the rock the scimmer and the corals out and re stalked it ich whiped them out again and now the tank is freash water with no problems

the corals are curently in a 29 galon led bio cube no scimmer no sump reactors just the rock coral and fish and some bio cem stars they have got ich(the three fish) and got over it wit out a problem 4 times now

after looking at the set ups and what difers was how clean my reef is and how dirty my old tank used to be also my reef has a crazy thin sand bed where my old tank used to have a 3 inch bed that always got disturbed i have read then ich grows in the sand for the most part i would romove sand for the futcher and remember tokeep the water clean !
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 10-09-2013 at 02:45 AM.
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Old 10-09-2013, 02:58 AM
Coral Hoarder Coral Hoarder is offline
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im 14 and the year ago when it ahpend the store told me i didnt need qt also i had 8 inch fish and no mony for a qt
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Old 10-09-2013, 03:09 AM
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I wouldn't treat with copper, its going to do more damage then good. Definatly if the ick-x is making things worse stop using it and let your water changes and skimmer pull it out.

If the ich isn't too bad (pic would help) then just soak the food with selcon and garlic and all the fish should be fine. A little ich after the stress of moving tanks is pretty common and should clear up by itself if you have healthy fish.

If you don't have coral you can do a hyposalinity treatment and hopefully that will help clear things up.
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Old 10-09-2013, 03:11 AM
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Another good product to use for ick is Medic by Polyplab. It's a 10 day treatment and you can double up on the doseage. It's reef safe so will not harm corals.
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Old 10-09-2013, 04:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Another good product to use for ick is Medic by Polyplab. It's a 10 day treatment and you can double up on the doseage. It's reef safe so will not harm corals.
And that's why I don't post from my iPhone

Good luck Mulch whatever you decide to do
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Old 10-09-2013, 03:55 PM
Nate Nate is offline
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Default Ich x

Just a heads up.

You cannot use ichX if you have been using prime water conditioner.

It results in a rapid and drastic drop in the available oxygen (IIRC) resulting in a crash.

Do lots of water changes.
Both are good products, but cannot be used together.
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