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Old 04-18-2012, 06:06 AM
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Just stumbled across your thread today and I have to say you have one slick looking setup! I love the dimensions of your tank and the one piece eurobrace. I was contemplating going with a rimless tank for my next build but after seeing your tank it's going to be a tough decsion.

I seen pics of your sump on the concept aquatics webpage and was wondering if you had any pics you could post of it with all the equipment in there. I'm curious to see how you have the auto water change system plumbed in and how it all works.
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Old 05-30-2012, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Stones View Post
Just stumbled across your thread today and I have to say you have one slick looking setup! I love the dimensions of your tank and the one piece eurobrace. I was contemplating going with a rimless tank for my next build but after seeing your tank it's going to be a tough decsion.

I seen pics of your sump on the concept aquatics webpage and was wondering if you had any pics you could post of it with all the equipment in there. I'm curious to see how you have the auto water change system plumbed in and how it all works.

Thanks Stones,

I guess it's past time for an update, I actually tore this system down in Feb in order to replace all the floors on the main floor...I just finished setting this tank up again but I have plumbed everything sump wise into the basement...New pics coming this weekend as I wrap it up...

To answer your question about the water change setup, I had my mixing tanks directly under the system in the basement (two 45 gal drums), the new water was plumbed directly to the DT and the waste water was plumbed to a standpipe in the back of the sumps return chamber which exited into a house drain, it was simply a matter of mixing new water and turning on the pump to push it to the DT, the standpipe in the sump was setup just slightly higher than the running level...I didn't take any pictures of this setup but I will take pictures of the new system which is running in the same manner other than the sump being remotely located in the basement.

here's a picture of the old sump where you can see the overflow stand pipe in the upper left chamber.

Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...

Last edited by cale262; 05-30-2012 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:31 AM
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Thanks for the update. Was curious to hear how your auto water change system worked. You weren't worried you were losing some of your fresh salt water out the drain in the sump? The concept looks great but I wonder what the efficiency losses are based on the fact that new water is being added while waste water is being removed simultaneously.

Good luck with the reassembly of the system. Looking forward to some updated pics.
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Old 06-02-2012, 12:24 AM
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I'm sure there was some loss albeit minor but this was the quick change weekly WC. For the monthly change, I would turn off the return pump which would fill the sump up to about 90% capacity, then I would remove the stand pipe and drain the whole sump leaving about 10%, the last of this water and dietris would be removed via shop vac. Last would be turning the pump in the basement filling the sump to the 90% mark again (marked on the side of the sump) and utilizing a float to kill the pump and turn the return pump back on...the skimmer and other equipment would then turn on 30min later...
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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Old 06-02-2012, 01:35 AM
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Thanks. Sounds like a pretty quick system for the larger water changes as well.
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Old 09-23-2013, 04:04 AM
claymax claymax is offline
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28NC, BKm180 , MP10, sump, diy leds(modular led) caulerpa/apitasia jungle.
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