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Old 09-19-2002, 02:38 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

To answer Troy's ?
What I'm trying to say is that I would not impeed a fishes growth or health if I knew I was doing so. Yes, I do keep a fish that can get very large in adult size, however I would never keep a fish in my reef beyond it's rate. When I trade this fish to my l.f.s. or to a friend it will be going to a larger home-you have my word on that. However I see no harm in keeping a fish of this size(3cm)and growing as long as it appears healthy and happy. I also keep a tang in my reef to study it's behaviour not just because of it's beauty. As to Moe's comment, well it appears that some aquarists do not see my point of veiw, however I feel that as long as this type of fish is a juvinile there is nothing wrong with my actions. I read in my previous post that someone purchased a 1.5 cm juvnile tang for a 70 gal tank and that it had died by being caught into the overflow. So my point is: whats better, myself raising a juvinile tang until it's large enough to go to a new home or another aquarists getting the same tang and loosing it to an overflow or being consumed by larger fish. I could say no, and not purchase another baby tang so then what- it could die in a tank too large or from being kept in a l.f.s. holding tank as no l.f.s. is going to ship back a fish because no one wants to purchase it. Happy reefing, sff [img]smile.gif[/img]
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