Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...
My personal opinion is that if a fish in a tank has to turn around after encountering a glass pane, the tank is too small. Sometimes we're willing to impose a certain level of sacrifice on a fish for our own personal viewing pleasure. If you don't think Tangs belong in a tank, great. If you do, nobody on any Internet board is going to change that. I keep two tangs in my tank; are they happy? I doubt it. Am I a good person for keeping them there? I doubt it. I have bought the largest tank I could afford but they still hit the glass and turn around. Some people keep angels, anthias, triggers, etc, in tanks that are too small and still insist on attacking tang owners. Do tangs belong in 33g tanks? Probably not. Is a 180 really any better, compared with the home we took them from? No. Does anyone want to keep reading my rambling? No. Bye [img]tongue.gif[/img]