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Old 08-25-2013, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
I do believe the biggest problem for most in this hobby is being impatient. Key here is to take your time, go slow, do not make harsh/rash decisions.

Good example, is that Denny suggested hypo, and you are already lowering your display tank, whereas you shouldn't.

take a step back, take a breath and relax, slow down, and enjoy this hobby. We have all had our obstacles, I myself am one of them.

Do your research, but before you jump to do it, research again, make notes, analyze and then determine your approach.

Not sure what your time frame was during this, as Kien asked, what is it? I myself didn't add any fish to my tank until after 3-4 months (maybe longer). Cleaning crew was introduced between 1-2 months.

Welcome to the hobby, it is a great one!!!!
Great advice. Even reefers who have been around for a while should heed your advice
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Old 08-25-2013, 03:26 AM
geweagle geweagle is offline
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Hello Golbaldesign
Yes I would say I pushed the time but not so much. I put the custodians in after 1 month. Put the first fish in a month later so 2 months. Waited few weeks to see how they did. Everything was Ok so I got more. The Chemistry was Ok except PO4 which was high and I started a program to get it down. Understood corals need low or its effects their ability to deposit Ca. Then the red grass algae started. Thought the whole time my problem when fish started to die was chemistry. When it was ICH.

"Started to lower the salinity in the display tank". Actually I only brought it down to where it had been which was on the low side. I understood it might slow the ICH until I got the hypo tank set up. That is what I am working on now. then I will transfer the fish once it is stable. But in the mieantime I am trying not to loose more fish. looking like one clown is now infected. Still healthy and eatting at this time.

So I ask you and others. If you were loosing fish would you not try to save them? only droped the salinity from 30 ppt to 28 ppt. Will it help? Maybe not but at least I tried. Hopefully I will have the hypo tanks setup in the next couple of days.

So yes I am taking it slowly. And I really want this to work because I love the fish, corals, and overall look. But it is a lot of work to get started. And I will never put fish in my display tank again with out a good quarantine.
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Old 08-25-2013, 05:07 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Another couple points is they can go in now and bring salinity down a bit at a time, they can go down im salinity quick but have to come back very slowly.

Make sure ph is roughly the same and temp stays low 77-78

Tie a air stone to your powerhead with ziptie or elastic.
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Old 08-25-2013, 05:08 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Your on the right track this will allow time to stabilize your display.

Try not to freak the fish out to much
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Old 08-25-2013, 05:28 PM
geweagle geweagle is offline
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Thank you. I have transferred the fish and leaving them for now. I was and will drop salinity slowly. I have an air stone, power head and heater all in the tank. Currently it is at 79C. Salinity is about 29 ppt. will check the pH again but it was at 8.1 volume is about 25 gal. 5 damsal, 2 clowns and 1 sand blenny. Diaplay tank has no fish just some crabs shrimps and leathers with the rock.
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Old 08-25-2013, 05:58 PM
geweagle geweagle is offline
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Well it is not all bad news. I discovered one of the peppermint shrimp is carrying eggs. Only have two so either she was already pregnant or I lucked out and got a pair. Had them for 3 months now. Now that there are no fish in the tank the little onse might have a chance.
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Old 08-25-2013, 08:01 PM
geweagle geweagle is offline
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Default Display Tank as of today

For all those following this tread. This si the display tank today. We will see how the Fallow run goes to get read of the ICHDisplay tank Aug 25 13.jpg
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Old 08-26-2013, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
Or buy some cleaner shrimp and let them pick the parasites off your fish.
Unfortunately, no cleaning organism has ever been demonstrated to actually eat Cryptocaryon irritans. The parasites bury themselves too deep in the skin of the fish for a commensal cleaner to get them off. What's far more common is that by the time people notice the pustules on the fish, they're nearly mature and ready to drop off. Then they see their cleaner shrimp/wrasse paying attention to the fish, and the next day, the pustule is gone. What has actually happened is that the trophont had it's fill, and sometime in the middle of the night while the fish was sleeping, it dropped off to become a tomont. A cleaner organism can be a useful addition for other reasons (though in some cases being constantly pestered by a cleaner fish or shrimp that you can't get away from can actually be stressful for a fish), but as far as a control agent for marine ich, they are completely useless.
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