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Old 07-19-2013, 12:04 AM
halwake halwake is offline
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Default Ich Recovery?

Had everyone in QT for some time, finally got everyone added to the main tank after 4 weeks of the main tank being fallow ( had ich introduced to the main tank). A couple tangs appear to have some white spots develop. I know 4 weeks with no fish is pushing it, 6-8 weeks is preferred but we were leaving on vacation tomorrow and could not leave 3 rubbermaid tanks running and nobody to watch them. My question is has anybody had an experiece where the fish fought it off on there own? I cannot pull them all out again, we leave tomorrow. Right now the powder blue has a few specks along with the achilles. Yes I have them together and they are doing great, added at the same time. I am not looking for a lecture from the tang police just some idea if they have a chance to recover on there own. I have had the powder blue 4 weeks and the achilles 8 weeks in QT so they were aclimated, healthy and eating good while in hypo. Unfortunately, obviously the main tank did not remain fallow long enough, but was not by choice. If I have to pull eveyone out again when I get back would they be okay for 14 days?
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Old 07-19-2013, 12:15 AM
Prariecanuck Prariecanuck is offline
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I've always has luck soaking their food with garlic before feeding but hard to do that away from home hope you get an answer I'd like to know myself
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Old 07-19-2013, 02:06 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I've gotten fish with a few white spots on them here and there but never any type of outbreak. Within a day or two of being in my display tank they would disappear and never come back. A healthy environment that isn't over crowded has always worked out for my fish to over come ich on their own provided they seem healthy otherwise and are eating well. I have no proof that this in any way helps but I had a dwarf angel that had a couple white spots on it and he would seek out the cleaner shrimp for the first 2 days. On a side note I wouldn't be leaving any fish tank unattended for two weeks. Your fish need to be getting fed properly if they are to overcome ich. Your home insurance also requires someone to check in on your house while you are away. Good luck!
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Old 07-19-2013, 03:06 AM
halwake halwake is offline
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Hoping everything will come around, they are eating great, I do have someone coming in to check the tanks/feed, just did not want them to have to deal with 3 QT tanks as well that I had going. Nobody seems stressed, everyone is eating great. I have had the same experience in the past as you with the odd white spot going away. Hopefully happy and healthy they will be fine. Time will tell, I guess if we need to QT again when we get home we will do that.
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Old 07-22-2013, 11:06 AM
verongome verongome is offline
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Do let us know how did it turn out once the checking is done.
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Old 07-23-2013, 12:00 AM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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When you get back, you should try the tank transfer method. Its a lot faster, but you would still have to leave your DT fallow for 8 wks. googling it will give a ton of info
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