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Old 07-18-2013, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Just curious. I don't know anyone in Calgary that runs a chiller on their tanks so that's a bit different :-) (that doesn't mean that there aren't Calgary tanks with chillers.. I just don't know any of them).
That comes from having a 150w HQI bulb an inch or two from the surface of the water in my 24g Nano.

A friend from work has a RSM 130D and he's having heat problems with it. He's looking at getting the same chiller as me.
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Old 07-18-2013, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
Back to the basement question: Is there a reason why it would be inadvisable to put the tanks in my (developed) basement?
The only regret that I have ever heard from people with basement tanks, myself included, is the visibility (or viewability) aspect. Some people, again not ALL people, find that having their tank in the basement reduces or limits its visibility. A lot of home activities happen on the main floor, and by the end of the day you're exhausted and go to bed, without even seeing your tank. Then you sometimes get into a slump where your mindset is something like, "there's a tank in the basement, it needs a skimmer cup clean, glass cleaning, there's a frag rolling around on the sand bed, new dosing solutions need too up, this, that.." But because you don't see the tank it's easy to procrastinate and let maintenance slide. I'm not suggesting that this is what's going to happen to your tank. Simply that this is the only reason that I know of not to have a basement tank. Having said all that, TONNES of people have successful basement tanks :-).

Now, you're probably going to say that your developed basement is intended to be the prime recreation or entertainment area. That's good, it'll help. Again, this goes back to visibility of your tank. Ultimately, the more you see it the better off it'll be. Even if you're just glancing at it from across the room. How's that saying go.. Oh ya, "out of sight, out if mind." :-)
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Old 07-18-2013, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
That comes from having a 150w HQI bulb an inch or two from the surface of the water in my 24g Nano.

A friend from work has a RSM 130D and he's having heat problems with it. He's looking at getting the same chiller as me.
An inch from the water?!?? Yikes!! And ya, I can definitely see heating issues on an RSM. Those tanks tend to be sealed up with a lid which reduces evaporation thus limiting cooling. An open top (and possibly a strategically placed fan) goes a LONG ways in helping to cool a tank. A chiller will get the job done too though :-)
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Old 07-18-2013, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
An inch from the water?!?? Yikes!! And ya, I can definitely see heating issues on an RSM. Those tanks tend to be sealed up with a lid which reduces evaporation thus limiting cooling. An open top (and possibly a strategically placed fan) goes a LONG ways in helping to cool a tank. A chiller will get the job done too though :-)
My Nano Cube is one of the "Next Generation LED" tanks. Essentially JBJ's first kick at an LED hood, so they were really anemic looking. The MH hood is incredible (after I swapped out the fans), I will have no time raising frags in it. (Other than some possible bleaching at first with that much light)

The RSM set ups are really good looking IMO but yeah, I don't dig the sealed tops. My friend also has the tank set up on his main floor with no central air and a south facing room.

As to your other post I can totally understand what you're saying. For my house the basement will be the main living area, so keeping it in the fore front of my mind shouldn't be an issue. The problem will be with leaving it alone instead of constantly fiddling

Last edited by Magickiwi; 07-18-2013 at 08:36 PM.
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Old 07-18-2013, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
The RSM set ups are really good looking IMO but yeah, I don't dig the sealed tops. My friend also has the tank set up on his main floor with no central air and a south facing room.

As to your other post I can totally understand what you're saying. For my house the basement will be the main living area, so keeping it in the fore front of my mind shouldn't be an issue. The problem will be with leaving it alone instead of constantly fiddling
Ya, the all-in-one units do look pretty sexy. The newer models with the LED lights are nice, plus I think they've caught on and now have open tops on their newer models. Main floors with a south facing windows can be a challenge. That's what I have to battle. My tank sits in my living room with a giant south facing living room window. I have an open top with a fan and central AC though so that helps. I still have to keep my blinds closed in the summer. Ironically, in the winter when the sun does blast through the windows more its cold enough outside (and in the house) that I can keep the blinds open mostly all winter.

Constantly fiddling will be something that both you and your tank will suffer through for at least the first 6 months. Possibly up to a year. After that, it should get better
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Old 07-25-2013, 01:54 PM
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Finally got the flooring in! Astute readers may notice the lack of baseboards though...

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Old 07-25-2013, 04:20 PM
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I just notice the magical freestanding pants
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Old 07-25-2013, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Magickiwi View Post
Haha, pictures very soon! I'm desperate to get my tanks going again but damned reality keeps getting in the way... Here's an idea, I'll take a picture of the hell that is my basement ATM and you can see all the construction tools and other crap getting in the way of my fun!

Back to the basement question: Is there a reason why it would be inadvisable to put the tanks in my (developed) basement?
Oh ye old reno basement. I too have that problem. Although it does make you feel really good about yourself when you take those before and after photos! Cheap rah rah rah moments for the win.

Originally Posted by kien View Post
The only regret that I have ever heard from people with basement tanks, myself included, is the visibility (or viewability) aspect.
I have a basement tank. Hell the thing had to be built in my basement. I love it. However my basement is also where my television and gaming areas are, its also where puppy snuggles are best given and received.

So there is some truth in whats mentioned, but if your basement is a destination for something other then just your tank, it might work out better.
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Old 07-25-2013, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
I just notice the magical freestanding pants
Yes, they are amazing. Too bad they don't wash themselves.
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Old 08-12-2013, 01:39 PM
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Water test last night! Time to start hooking everything up now. So close I can almost taste it. (Not the salt water, that's just a figure of speech.)

Will follow up with more pictures once I have something interesting to show.
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