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Old 07-07-2004, 02:37 AM
DOO-E DOO-E is offline
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I understand you can get rid of fish but you wont get full price for the fish back. you are losing money. why not save some money and just plan for just in case. I will also post where i have got information from too.
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Old 07-07-2004, 02:40 AM
Ken Ken is offline
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Hi Lindsay,pleased to hear that you have done your research and waited patiently for your ecosystem to mature before adding any livestock. I really admire a fellow hobbyist such as you when you mention you will stock very slowly. A lot of time when we get into this hobby, it is quite overwhelming when we visit the LFS and have a need to want this and that without doing any sort of research. After all we have a real genuine responsibility when we take any livestock into our own hands to provide the best environment and care that we can for them. I admit that I do that sometimes, and I really feel bad when a fish dies. With the help of our fellow hobbyist and the many library of books on fish and corals that I have, I try to provide the best environment possible. Although alot of animals that donot do well should be avoided. I personally love the Royal Gramma / gramma loreto, I personally have 2 in my 500 gallon coral reef aquarium. They have been in my care since 1994. I could never put two together in a smaller tank because they would kill each other. Having a larger tank gives them space. They are cave dwellers but under good condition in my tank they are always out in the open and very bold feeders. In your case I recommend only one. Again, congratulations on your patience. Regards Ken
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Old 07-07-2004, 03:58 AM
lindsayf lindsayf is offline
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Thank you so much for all the responses. The only question I still have is regarding the fire fish - can I keep one of each colour. What would be the best for the fish?
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:42 AM
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I have had a flame angle for quite some time now and it has yet to pick at the limited soft corals I have.

Doubt if you can keep both colours of firefish. Generally unless saltwater fish are totally disimilar or exactly alike (or pairs) they will not get along.
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Old 07-07-2004, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: I finally got fish!

Originally Posted by lindsayf
My Stocking List so far:
clowns (2) - already have
6 hermits - already have
9 astrea snails - already have

What I want:
blue strip neon goby - 1
coral beauty or flame angel - 1
Fire fish goby (red or purple) - 1 or 2
Green chromis - 3
Royal Gramma - 1
yellow clown goby - 1
Hi Lindsay,

You are restricted by the size of your tank for the number and size of fish you want to put into your 55g. Since you already have a pair of ocellaris clowns, I would suggest adding a maximium of only three more fish. The more fish in a relatively large system, over time, is going to lead to unwanted nuisance algae, unless you are super vigilant in doing water changes and other maintenance.

Of the fish you mention in your wish list, I would add only:
- one, maybe two small gobies, depending on compatibility
- one royal gramma
- one angel (who will be your biggest and maybe most aggressive fish)

Your 55g is too small for even a small school of chromis on top of the above suggested fish load. JMHO, though.


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