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Old 09-17-2012, 12:09 PM
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we have posted some provisional pricing on our sponsor forum, however the final price will depnd on cost of import. However I do not see much change in what has been listed.
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Old 06-22-2013, 01:13 PM
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What depth of water are you running your CSC450 in ?

I just got one yesterday and I'm having trouble getting it to produce some good skimate. Right now it fills the cup about every hour. But I do have it sitting in 9 1/4 inches of water which is the max level according to the instructions. I'm thinking I might need to try it in 7 or 8 inches of water
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Old 06-22-2013, 01:58 PM
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optimal is 7" also it will take time to break in, all skimmers need a good week.

set the air to minimum and set the gate valve to maximum, then balance the water height with the air. it will take some tuning as you have two balancing components, but once balanced and bedded in these skimmers are set and forget.
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:28 PM
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Hey Michael, just a thought for skimmer design in general... Biopellets are really popular these days and the easiest way to hook one up to a skimmer is to add a T fitting to the input of the pump so one end of the T receives the effluent from the biopellet reactor and the other end is left open for the skimmer to suck in additional water. This is the most common way for people to hook up their biopellet reactor to the skimmer. However, the input of the skimmer is usually 1" PVC and a 1" T fitting will not fit over it without modification. If there was a better option, like maybe a barb fitting on the side of the skimmer body, or a different size input tube it would definitely be a selling feature for the many hobbyists running biopellets.

On the other hand, these look like nice skimmers. I like the idea of dual pumps instead of one big one. If one breaks down the skimmer can still operate. I really like the skimmer output too from what I can see of it in the pictures - looks like a great design.

That pic of the solid skimmer goo in the bowl...YUCK!

As far as the name goes, "Canadian Skimmer Company", these skimmers aren't manufactured in Canada are they? The price point seems too low for a Canadian manufacturer. Is it a Canadian company producing the designs then?
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 06-22-2013 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:39 PM
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As VERY well documented here many times on Canreef, No the skimmers are not made in Canada they are Skimz body with a Sicce pump, this has never been a hidden factor, the name also does not state Canadian skimmer manufacturer company, just a fun name to add to differentiate from the Skimz retail brand and the OEM brand we went with. The reason we went this route and not sell skimz electronically supplied goods is because Skimz warranties suck beyond comprehension so us taking control of the only real warranty part clients have great peace of mind, not to mention the fact the Sicce pump is way more superior in both performance, quality and silence. Skimz make some of the best bodies in the industry but the rest of the electronics they use are in my opinion a nightmare. We now have 100% control of that factor making an awesome skimmer for everyone at a great price.

Skimz CSC Skimmers

Bio pellets - are those things still being used? Really? whats the point? you need a reactor, be very careful in balancing the system so you dont crash the system and does nothing but add mass bacteria. This is why I am a fan of Prodibio, no reactor required, it is a complete system, you only dose every 14 days and impossible to overdose, have you ever seen a negative review either

On to the T piece, the skimmer foot print would have to be bigger to compensate the addition there is not enough meat in the volute to add the required diameter for the T piece. Good thought in theory though.

Last edited by Aqua-Digital; 06-22-2013 at 02:48 PM.
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:45 PM
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Just for future reference we are now working on a complete new design for the winter/spring 2014 this will be a big departure from what you have seen so far and will be a design from us led by client feedback on the CSC rang thus far.

It also will not be Skimz OEM but a true blood new skimmer.
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital View Post

As VERY well documented here many times on Canreef, No the skimmers are not made in Canada they are Skimz body with a Sicce pump, this has never been a hidden factor, the name also does not state Canadian skimmer manufacturer company, just a fun name to add to differentiate from the Skimz retail brand and the OEM brand we went with. The reason we went this route and not sell skimz electronically supplied goods is because Skimz warranties suck beyond comprehension so us taking control of the only real warranty part clients have great peace of mind, not to mention the fact the Sicce pump is way more superior in both performance, quality and silence. Skimz make some of the best bodies in the industry but the rest of the electronics they use are in my opinion a nightmare. We now have 100% control of that factor making an awesome skimmer for everyone at a great price.

Bio pellets - are those things still being used? Really? whats the point? you need a reactor, be very careful in balancing the system so you dont crash the system and does nothing but add mass bacteria. This is why I am a fan of Prodibio, no reactor required, it is a complete system, you only dose every 14 days and impossible to overdose, have you ever seen a negative review either

On to the T piece, the skimmer foot print would have to be bigger to compensate the addition there is not enough meat in the volute to add the required diameter for the T piece. Good though in theory though.
Hi Michael, thanks for having an open mind when real life suggestions are made.

I haven't read a sentence about these skimmers until this review, so no I'm not familiar with any documentation on the manufacture of the skimmer. Since this is a review thread, it seems an appropriate question to me. There is nothing wrong with the skimmer being manufactured somewhere else - most things are. I was simply wondering about the name. No reason to be on the defensive.

As far as biopellets go, like it or not YES they are very popular. Whether YOU like them or not. Proper use of biopellets and some of the challenges when using them is also well documented now that all the guinea pigs have crashed their tanks. I've used Prodibio for 2 or 3 years now, and the system does not do what biopellets do. I like Prodibio, and will continue to use it for the benefits I see, but I have not experienced any noticeable nutrient lowering capability from Prodibio on any of my systems. Some people claim such, but I have not seen it myself.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 06-22-2013 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:50 PM
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Not being defensive just making sure you and anyone else reading this have all the facts. As always the written word carries no emotion

As you know Aqua Digital = Straight talking BRIT
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Old 06-22-2013, 02:53 PM
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Anyone now looking for a CSC skimmer. Dave at Concepts just bought the very last shipment.

He has 9 x CSC450 and 5 x CSC250 in stock. CSC150 sold out
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Old 06-22-2013, 03:38 PM
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Hey Mike those Skimmers look very well built. I remember Doug having one of the skimmers with that knob and dial and he ran in to the same problem to with the loosen thingy lol. But some times it takes a few times to get it right. But at least its getting noticed. I really like the bottom out put of the skimmer great Idea. I was looking at the skimmer ideas and I guess having a Gate valve wouldn't really make sense due to the output of the skimmer.
I love pumps now thou. before I had a really bad run in with the Sicci pumps. and it drew me away from them.. but now they are rocking well Done.

I remember sicci pumps on the Bubblemaster skimmer with the super wide neck for awesome wet foam and its huge 10" body. anyways enough on me.. chatting about this skimmer.

Excellent review Wayne ........
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