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Old 06-05-2013, 03:47 PM
Zero Zero is offline
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Hi just wondering if anyone has used or has reasons why not to use plastic bins as refugiums, or sumps?

plz enlighten me
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Old 06-05-2013, 04:12 PM
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I've seen loads of people using rubbermaid containers as sumps, quite often in LFS too. Seems to work well. I guess the only downside is that you can't use baffles, but that doesn't mean thay you can't still have sections.

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Old 06-05-2013, 07:27 PM
Zero Zero is offline
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this bin is proly 30- 40 gallons

so my idea is have my gravity fed pvc pipe going down to my sump bin into container 1 with filter material,
It will then overflow into contain 2 that has another filter media which will flow through foam material and then into the main bin which will have live sand and a ton (10-20lbs maybe) of rubble, my skimmer will also be mounted in the "main" bin.
Skimmer excess water will be dumped into my return bin, which hopfully, will be extremely clean water being pumped back into my tank right above my powerhead.

later on I will add a canister filter outside this bin and most likely have my reactors or what have you aswell with this.
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Old 06-05-2013, 08:09 PM
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There shouldn't be an issue with a rubbermaid, but just in case there are other brands with other matierials that might leach into your aquarium, I would stick to what others use successfully.

I use the rubbermaid brand all the time for temp holding tanks, and they work great. Always nice to have them lying around.

The only downside is not being able to make partitions/bubble traps if you need them.

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Old 06-05-2013, 08:19 PM
Zero Zero is offline
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Finally got my quick sample of this concept posted.. paint version was to big for size requirements

anyways C1 is represented in dark blue and and is placed directly sitting into container 2. Gravity fed water with go into C1 be filtered by media and flow out under into C2 which is color coded aqua, the water flows up through filter foam placed in C2 and spills over the edge of C2 plastic bin and into the main bin filled with sand and rubble as well as the spare live rock i will start accumulating over time.

To the left i will have another small plastic bin that will have water fed into it throught the sides, this water is then pumped into my skimmer and will go back to my tank, just above my power head..

Some how i will have to put a powerhead, a canister filter and a small refugium in there aswell, but that is later
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Old 06-05-2013, 08:41 PM
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From looking at your diagram, I'm thinking with three different sized containers all in the same one, that you could drill a hole into the first bin and put a bulkhead in it with a down spout and gate valve, then have the same in the second bin flowing into the third.

That way you can control your water levels to the other bins, and not allow it to overflow if the event of a power outage.

What kind of overflow are you using?
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Old 06-05-2013, 08:52 PM
Zero Zero is offline
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right now im not using a sump, i have a penguin HOB but i doubt thats enough
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Old 06-05-2013, 09:09 PM
Zero Zero is offline
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I think the bulk heads and valves are a good idea, and as far as bubbles go they will be trapped in container 1, so wont go anywere.

the big advantage i see using this idea is i can use/store more live rock, and change design constantly if i need to, unlike having baffles siliconed in place.

Last edited by Zero; 06-05-2013 at 09:12 PM.
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