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Old 06-03-2013, 04:01 PM
Ian Ian is offline
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I am a pepper fan myself....I am a bit late starting this year so no fruit yet but I have about 10 varieties and 30-40 plants started in the greenhouse right now.
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180gall display, 190 pds live rock, virgate rabbitfish,bluejaw trigger, bubblletip anemone,yellow tang, sailfin tang,melanarus wrasse, cloud wrasse,

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Old 06-03-2013, 04:02 PM
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That awesome next year I hope to dig in a decent garden and a small green house
Your lucky!
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Old 06-03-2013, 04:29 PM
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I often realize that eating hot and spicy is about the only thing I really do well. It's too bad I can't make a career out of out-eating-anyone with the hot and spicy because I'd be ... well, I dunno. Something else, probably.

You folks are my people. It's warms my heart to be among you. Which is way nicer than saying "it burns my ......." ummmmm on second thought, never mind. At least we burn in unity! Solidarity my brethren!!!!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 06-03-2013, 05:40 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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My mom has by far the highest heat tolerance of anyone I know. Habaneros are like candy for her. So I am growing Habaneros for her, Jalapenos & Thai Dragons for the rest of us. We're from Malaysia where spicy is normal. My mom even brings her own homemade chili sauce to bbqs, restaurants, and other eating functions cause none of the ones other people supply are hot enough.
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Old 06-03-2013, 05:57 PM
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I have the exact issue. Nothing local satisfies my craving for heat I can order online or I could make my own. Making it is much more rewarding. This year I'll be doing it outside (cooking it) as I nearly gassed out the house last fall lol
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 06-03-2013, 07:51 PM
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Anyone grow peppers indoors throughout the winter months for an onhand fresh supply?

Is everyone starting their own plants? I've found Calgary doesn't have a lot of pepper variety this season, first time in awhile.
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Old 06-03-2013, 08:43 PM
sirruckus sirruckus is offline
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I'm a hot sauce person myself, but that little grow op of yours will sure be a hot commodity
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Old 06-03-2013, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Anyone grow peppers indoors throughout the winter months for an onhand fresh supply?

Is everyone starting their own plants? I've found Calgary doesn't have a lot of pepper variety this season, first time in awhile.
I got my seeds online from pepperjoes and started them in mid march. Shipping was fast and easy. Mind you its just seeds. If you ever take a trip up near edmonton there is a green house just south of beaumont called BMR greenhouses and water gardens that stocks 85 varieties of hot peppers.

Originally Posted by sirruckus View Post
I'm a hot sauce person myself, but that little grow op of yours will sure be a hot commodity
Haha yes that what I'm hoping. I'm hoping to try to wimter a few but I'm assuming they be crosses in the spring since they are all growing inches apart. We'll see. May just plant again
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Old 06-03-2013, 11:38 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I used to be more of a pepper enthusiast until it got me in trouble with the wife. I made supper one night for the family and added what I thought was a very mild degree of spice to the meal. My daughter who was about 5 at the time took a bite and then cried for the next hour. For the next 3 years she wouldn't even touch her meals without me putting it in the fridge so everything was cold first and asking every meal if daddy cooked it. My wife has still never forgiven me for this and banned me from adding any spices to the meals by myself. Does every woman feel the need to tell every single person they know all the bad things their husbands do?
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Old 06-04-2013, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
I used to be more of a pepper enthusiast until it got me in trouble with the wife. I made supper one night for the family and added what I thought was a very mild degree of spice to the meal. My daughter who was about 5 at the time took a bite and then cried for the next hour. For the next 3 years she wouldn't even touch her meals without me putting it in the fridge so everything was cold first and asking every meal if daddy cooked it. My wife has still never forgiven me for this and banned me from adding any spices to the meals by myself. Does every woman feel the need to tell every single person they know all the bad things their husbands do?

Haha thats rich. Not to laugh at your expense just the story is cute about your girl. Its strange for me, cause my dad has 0 heat tolerance to the point that some mustards and even green peppers can be too spicey and give him heartburn etc. Where as me I've eaten at some of alberta's "spiciest" places including some dishes that require a waiver be signed prior to eating.. lol never phased me. My wife is similar but her stomach isnt quite as invincible as mine. I look forward to seeing how hot the new "hottest" pepper really is as crazy as that may sound :P
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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