Originally Posted by Titus
Is it really true that it's a quarter cylinder? I have a feeling that not all bow fronts work that way. The best way to figure it out is to find out what is the radius (r) for the curve. Then find out the angle limits (theta1, theta2) within which the curve fits in. Then do the following:
Area = Integral from r'=0 to r'=r of Integral from theta'=theta1 to theta'=theta2 of r'*dtheta'*dr' - (r * cos[(theta2 - theta1)/2] * r * sin[(theta2 - theta1)/2])
Then to get volume, multiply Area by height of tank.
BTW, didn't double check this but I believe it is correct.
You're probably right but now you're taking me back to university level stuff! Not wanting to relive my calculus classes I didn't check your formula either, but I think most conic section formulas can be derived through calculus. The fact that for a corner tank (theta2-theta1 = 90 degrees) will likely simplify the formula down to what I used. Something to do on a rainy day...