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![]() Thanks again delphinus for all your quality input.
I am having the same troubles with mine-not a long enough collection chamber! I like your idea on the riser thing except that I think it may be too unbalenced as if I sneeze to hard my cup will fall off already.I have a nice quality brass air fitting that I'm gonna hook up and give a whirl. Thanks again, Cheers sumfinfishe :D ;) |
![]() "Keeping a Tang in a 27 gl tank is not acceptable huh naesco?" What the hell do you know about the range that small hippo tangs occupy in the wild. This massive rant from you consciensious-yet-poorly-informed group of aquarists ****es me off. You claim you care so much about this guy's regal tangs? Well look at your own systems and the pathetic size of them compared to the range of any fish you keep in the wild. You will find that you are in the same boat, because your fish aren't going to distinguish a 33gal footprint from a 135 gallon footprint after 5 days in either. And how about the size of these tangs? If they are small, his 27-with-a-33gal footprint is fine. Paracanthurus hepatus spends much of its time hiding in the wild, scooting from spot to spot. So before you all go jumping on this guy remember that a Tang is gonna get bored with your 135 gal in only a few days, and a samll tang will get bored with a 33gal footprint in about the same. Big deal, stop standing on some freakin platform like you are all marine ecologists. You have all done stupid things to fish before if you have any experience at all, so be at least polite if you wanna voice your OPINION. That's right its just your opinion. Keep your high-brow crap to yourself, you are not the Tang police, you are just a bunch of Egoists waiting to jump on someone who believes differently. The building of a natural landscape, with established live rock and sand bed, strong currents to exercise your tangs, a selection of appropriate foods etc. is more important than size (providing the tang isn't 10 inches long and your tank ten gallons). Either way unless you have 10 to 15 km's of fresh reef a day for your tang, then convict yourself, tang police.
![]() Thanks for the intelligent input Diomedes. Some fishes keepers I tell ya, they have nothing else better to do than try to bring others down.I have been snorkeling and diving in enough parts of the world to say from personal observations that blue tangs most of the time will only take up about two feet territory in a small head of coral, as damsels and wrasses for example take up way more space. My reef is by no means large but I do provide a full three feet of swimming space and lots of current. I wonder if some of the tang police provide this much room in actual lenght after they overload there reefs with rock, coral and fish. I have seen a 72 gal and a 120 gal tank so crowded that I had more room for excercise than both of these tanks. So the tang police can stop wasting your keys(breath) and pick on some one your own size- like yourselfs. Try to determine if your reefs are any better. :D
![]() Being new here I was gonna keep my nose out but... I must say my naso spends most of its time swimming into the current of my maxi 1200 and then turns and floats back and then does the same thing. I don't think that have a tank that was foot smaller would be much of a big deal. I think ehat yo have to measure is bio load and fish activity to determine happines. As we are not able to speak fish. If you can keep your ammo, trates trite in check and your fish seem to swim around happily and eat well, then presumably then are happy. Thats all we can do is presume. I mean really what does a 190 gallon tank have over a 30 gallon long. I mean really? an extra 2 or 3 feet of swiming length? Not much considering int he ocean it could swim a couple of miles without even getting off the reef.
Having said that I do feel that providing as much space for a fish you can the better. Thats why in a couple of year once my naso gts bigger, I'll be going to a 6 foot long tank. but probably an 18" deep one as I find 24" difficult to clean on the bottom parts of the glass.I'll probably be getting only about 10-20 more gallons but more swimming space. [ 14 September 2002, 06:49: Message edited by: jedimaster ] |
![]() I am far than be an expert on tang but I keep them for at least 10 years now because they are
IMO the most beautiful and easy fish to care in aquarium reef To all my knowlege a tang that is not happy swim from on corner to and other all day long and praticaly never stop like if he want to get out of the tank I find that when they are acclimatate to you and the tank and came eat in your hand without any fear your tang is simply happy and is not stress anymore by is habitat I have in my 130 tank a yellow,a purple and a blue they leave in a six foot tank and they all live in the left side of the tank, rarely swim on the otherside. Did they need bigger tank maybe yes and who know but they realy not seem to have any sign of stress look colorfull and happy as they play all day long piking at rock and swim in current sometime get made between them or maybe they only play like child On the other hand I found that clown tang are realy big swimer and not very good in a tank even six foot long I have no other experience with other tang but I see a lot of very big naso look very hapy in tank similar as mine This is my experience with tang I hope it will help |
![]() Ho and about the prizm I tink it's a piece of crap like most of the small skimmer on the market
The one that I try and found to be good for a tank under 50 gal is a turboflotor |
![]() You know, I see the same arguments over & over & over. Comparing a 3ft. tank to a 6ft. tank to the ocean. :( Keeping baby tangs in a certain size tank is a whole different ball game than keeping adult tangs in the same.
I could write huge post on this, but found it leads absolutely nowhere. And no matter what the argument, aquarists will do as they like. All ones gets for trying to help, is slandered or like several friends, lovely e-mail. Then they leave the boards and the hobby. This thread had turned back nice again, now this crap. Cant the point be argued without name calling. Stephane, for instance, states his experience and views, without running down others views. Most people who care about the animals are not egotistic or high-browed or "tang police" or whatever. Please keep the posts within reason, on both sides. |
![]() Diomedes
Please read my post. You may disagree with I said (keeping two tangs in a 27 gallon is not acceptable) but how could you possibly suggest that this was "blind condemnation"? |
![]() Diomedes, dont worry to much about venting now & then. I know what thats about. :D It now takes all my restraint to stay out. I found it never leads to anything anyways. Also my post was not in reference to yours alone. I just need to keep the thread half decent. Thanks for the response.
I also agree, some of the boards have been getting kinda pig headed at times. However, they have been that way, as far back as I can remember. Heck, AL, use to be huge, like RC. Flame wars kicked the heck out of it. Anyhow, I sure agree everyone is entitled to their opinions. Thats what these boards are about. If we all agreed, it would be boring. ;) We all need to just keep the arguments,{and thats what they can be}, within the guidelines of the boards. |
![]() Look, the bottom line is that when accepted experts, like Scott Michael, routinely publish information with regard to suitable fish husbandry and people choose to ignore or blatantly disregard their EXPERT OPINIONS it's beyond frustrating.
P.S. You'd have a difficult time accusing me of being hypocritical considering the largest and most active fish I've ever owned was a Flame Angel housed with 2 Ocellaris Clowns and a Firefish in a 90g aquarium. Admittedly, I'm rather conservative when it comes to stocking recommendations (i.e. I would NEVER own a Tang of any species). And finally, sometimes it's important to engage in these heated debates on inflammatory topics - anyone who remembers the SANO wars on Aqualink thanks their lucky stars that there was so much controversy that led to debunking the myth surrounding the "snake oil." |