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Old 02-22-2013, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
For those of you who have had to remove the bristles, were there any side affects?
No, there was no side effects at all for me. I used duct tape to put them out. I had to use really good tweezers for a couple that were in further.

The last time I got mine I didn't even notice until about an hour later when I kept brushing one finger against another. Then it started to move the bristles around and it got irratated. Duct tape and a good anti-bacterial wash and I was good to go.

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Old 02-22-2013, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Can't get in until next week to see doc. Will hit a clinic if it continues to get worse. My one finger is swollen right to my palm and the other is just bumpy.
I've been stuck a few times but never had anything swell up, you may be slightly allergic to them. I would go see a doctor before it gets infected, or has a chance to damage something from the swelling.
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Old 02-22-2013, 07:58 PM
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Ive been stuck a couple times but noting really and it felt like tiny slivers. I actually just ignored them and after awhile they wore off, no issues after the fact at all.

Are you sure it was bristle worms? Could it be anything else?
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Old 02-22-2013, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by subman View Post
Ive been stuck a couple times but noting really and it felt like tiny slivers. I actually just ignored them and after awhile they wore off, no issues after the fact at all.

Are you sure it was bristle worms? Could it be anything else?
I was thinking maybe I did touch a bristleworm and the bristles broke off, skin covered over and now its bugging me like slivers would. I have no idea if this is the cause or not, its the only thing I can think of though, not sure anything else in the tank could cause this. Before I posted this thread, I did make a call to see if maybe it was warts or something, but was told there's no way warts grow this fast nor do they cause swelling. ewwww right....

Will pop a reactin and see if that helps if it is just a reaction. Seems to be more of an issue in the mornings and evenings. Its just weird as I was working on the tank Sunday/Monday, and this started on Wednesday....
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Old 02-24-2013, 02:38 AM
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Default Bristleworms

I get stung constantly, or pricked, or whatever. I use tape to pull out the spines. I've never had a reaction of any kind, but its possible you are allergic. For me it feels like I touched a small spiny cactus.
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Old 02-24-2013, 04:02 AM
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let us know how it works out. If it was a super delayed reaction, it might not have had anything to do with the tank. However, considering the ubiquity of bristleworms in marine aquaria and you think you might be sensitive to them, I would consider wearing gloves when you work in there from now on. A minor allergic reaction can become a serious allergic reaction if you're exposed to it enough.

Any time I hear stories like this I think of my best friend, who used to work at Petland. He started working there with no allergies of any kind, but due to repeated exposure, developed a life threatening anaphylactic reaction to blood worms. He used to take care of my tanks for me when I went out of town, but stopped when he had a reaction at my place (while he was alone and I wasn't there) simply because the shelf in the freezer where I kept the marine food had previously been where I kept the blood worms when I still had a FW tank. I hadn't had any blood worms in months, but he still had a serious reaction from handling the mysis packages that were on that shelf and then touching his face.

If you are getting allergies to something in your tank, nip it in the bud and wear gloves before it can become something serious.
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Old 02-24-2013, 04:08 AM
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I get allergic reactions similar to yours when I mess with my euphyllias, the torch in particular. It can take weeks for the itching to stop

I've never had problems with bristlworms though and I've even had an entire worm wedged under my fingernail.

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Old 02-24-2013, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by marie View Post
I get allergic reactions similar to yours when I mess with my euphyllias, the torch in particular. It can take weeks for the itching to stop

I've never had problems with bristlworms though and I've even had an entire worm wedged under my fingernail.
Reading that last sentence literally made me gag. Bristleworms are so, so, so disgusting. I was just getting used to them until I watched how they eat pellets. B-rated horror movies couldn't come up with something grosser.
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Old 02-24-2013, 01:14 PM
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I've always just let the bristles in my fingers run their course. They don't bother me too much.
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Old 02-24-2013, 02:33 PM
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careful what lurks in your rocks!

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