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Old 02-20-2013, 07:09 PM
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Default Red Cyano problem

Well it seems about three or four weeks ago I started to get a red cyano problem. It is basically all over my sand. And this morning two of my gobies decided to jump ship and I found them on the floor next to the aquarium.
Here is my tank configuration: two MP 40s, two MP 10s, four Radeon lights, 230 gallon display tank with about 120 pounds of live rock, hundred gallon sump, vertex 280 skimmer, RO/DI auto top off system, 45 gallon food grade water change unit, GFO/Carbon reactor.
My livestock is as follows: one yellow Tang, six chromis, one goby, approximately 30 crabs and 20 snails. I feed flakes once a day and I am pretty sure I'm not over feeding them.
I have been doing a 40 to 45 gallon water change every week for the past two months. My RODI unit is reading three right now so I think I will change my filters on it.
Whenever I test my water I get a zero reading for nitrates or phosphates and my pH is that 8.3 about and my salinity is 1.025. I keep my water at 79°F to 80°F.
I purchased some redcyano RX and currently trying to get rid of it this way. My first treatment, two days ago, seem to be unsuccessful so I am starting my second treatment today. I siphoned off as much as the red Cyano as I could off the sandbed. I have also turned off my GFO/Carbon reactor and protein skimmer well I am doing this treatment.
My aquarium setup is approximately 1-year-old and this is the first breakout I have had. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciate. This is very frustrating.

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Old 02-20-2013, 07:24 PM
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Water params?

Setimes it just happens. My take got some that I believe hiked in on frag. I have no nutrients but it still spread. Nuked it with chemi clean and been good since
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Old 02-20-2013, 07:24 PM
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Might want to try another brand of cyano treatment. I have always used Boyd Chemi Clean Red Slime Remover. I find it works pretty good. Getting good flow to the area also helps.

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Old 02-20-2013, 07:29 PM
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Cyno is just another form of bacteria that breaks down phosphates/nitrates. The best way i've found is to increase flow to bad area's, and most importantly, have other forms of bacteria available to do that work as the cyno breaks down. Even in a ULNS you still need that breakdown to happen, so even a super clean tank can have cyno. I use ZEObaK and haven't had any issues since starting it.
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Old 02-20-2013, 07:31 PM
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I have also used ChemiClean many times with great success. I always keep some on hand. Despite running RODI, having sufficient water flow, good skimmers, gfo and carbon and great water parameters I still get periodic outbreaks. As far as I am concerned it's just one of the things you need to deal with every once in a while when you have a salt water tank . Good luck with it,
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Old 02-20-2013, 07:33 PM
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It is possible that you could use more beneficial bacteria in your tank to out compete the cyano. I have used MB7 for some time now, and it has been very effective in helping keep my tank clean and no cyano.

However, you still have to get rid of the cyano that you have. I have used ChemiClean in the past, and it did the job for me. Not sure if that redcyano RX is good or not.

Not sure if your skimmer is big enough for a 230g. I have the exact same one, but for a 100g. I still have to clean it every 3 or 4 days.

What test kit do you use to measure your phosphates?
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Old 02-20-2013, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
It is possible that you could use more beneficial bacteria in your tank to out compete the cyano. I have used MB7 for some time now, and it has been very effective in helping keep my tank clean and no cyano.

However, you still have to get rid of the cyano that you have. I have used ChemiClean in the past, and it did the job for me. Not sure if that redcyano RX is good or not.

Not sure if your skimmer is big enough for a 230g. I have the exact same one, but for a 100g. I still have to clean it every 3 or 4 days.

What test kit do you use to measure your phosphates?
I will look at what type it kits I use when I get home. And I made a mistake on the skimmer size. The skimmer is a vertex in280
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Old 02-20-2013, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by RPatsula View Post
I will look at what type it kits I use when I get home. And I made a mistake on the skimmer size. The skimmer is a vertex in280
No, you said 280, and I have that exact same skimmer, the Vertex In-280. Manufacturers tend to overrate their skimmer capacities. And I don't think this particular Vertex model is the best either, at least when you compare it to the cone style ones. Look at my sig...
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Last edited by Reef Pilot; 02-20-2013 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 02-20-2013, 09:07 PM
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Default Go Dark

I had a similar issue at about hte one year mark running 135 gallon tank. I decided that while I was on holiday (3 weeks) I would only turn the lights on for 2 hours a day. It worked, but its a little like quitting a 20 year heroin habit cold turkey. The tank sufered, mainly the corals which survived and that was most really browned out and it took 2 to 3 times as long to get hem back to colour. I'm not suggesting you try this but wanted simply to share my experience in case you were thinking of going dark.
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Old 02-20-2013, 09:37 PM
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I had a Cyano problem a bit ago and used Chemi-Clean. I had to do a second treatment a week later and have been Cyano free since then. Good luck.
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