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Old 01-08-2013, 07:09 PM
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Default The 7th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour

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Good grief seven years is a long time... and we're still doing it! Alright folks, I'm in the process of organizing this years PG Reef Tank Tour and once I have I'll post the schedule and pictures of the featured tanks here as we go along. I've also got an email list of many people who have participated in the past, if you would like to join that email list please send me a PM. In the emails I give out more specific/private information such as address and contact numbers if needed for each of the showings.

I suspect we'll have the usual lineup including the UNBC tank, Doug's, George's and my own. But if anyone else would like to volunteer theirs we would certainly appreciate the change of scenery. Not that it isn't exciting to view the evolution of the same people's tanks year after year, but some new blood is nice from time to time too.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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Old 01-16-2013, 09:04 PM
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I have a few Tank Tour dates to announce. Staffan will once again be starting us off with his showing of the 135gal UNBC Reef Tank on Sunday January 27 from 12 noon to 4:00pm. For those of you who haven't been up to see it yet, it is located on the third floor in the main hallway of the Bentley Science Centre (also called the Teaching Laboratory building if I'm not mistaken). For those of you who haven't seen it in a while I think you'll be pretty impressed as the tank is now sporting a few pretty large stoney coral colonies. I'll post some pictures here afterwards.

Next up I'll show my own 120gal reef on Sunday February the 3rd from 12 noon to 4:00pm. If you like automation and gadgetry you'll love this one. My whole system is computer controlled to the point where I will receive text messages from my tank if something is amiss.

After my tank comes Craig's 120gal of which I know little aside from the fact that it is one of the youngest running systems on our tour and probably boasts the most unusual looking sump.

Yet to come is George's goliath 225gal and Doug's time honored 135gal once I've confirmed showing dates with them. I'd also like to remind everyone that these showing are a great opportunity to network with fellow hobbyists and to swap excess livestock and hardware.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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Old 01-28-2013, 03:38 AM
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Here are some pictures taken by Doug of the UNBC tank from today... because I forgot my camera. The next open house tank showing is my own on Sunday February 10 from noon until 4:00pm. Formerly I had said the 3rd but I had to move it to the next weekend. PM me for the address.

February 17 Craig's
February 24 George's
Sometime in March: Doug's

Shrimp and goby pair

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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Old 02-10-2013, 11:31 PM
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Next week Sunday the 17th is Craig's 120gal tank showing from noon to 4pm. PM me for the address if you're not already on the emailing list. Here are a few pictures of my own from today.

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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Old 02-19-2013, 02:34 AM
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Sunday February 24th from noon until 4pm is George's 225gal reef tank showing. George will be moving to Dawson Creek this spring so this is our last chance to see his tank before he shuts it down. Then in two weeks on March 10th Doug will finish off this year's tour with his 135gal tank.

Here are some pictures from Craig's tank showing last weekend:

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:35 AM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Next up I'll show my own 120gal reef on Sunday February the 3rd from 12 noon to 4:00pm. If you like automation and gadgetry you'll love this one. My whole system is computer controlled to the point where I will receive text messages from my tank if something is amiss.
I would love to see your tank and learn how things are done. Too bad you are so so far away and the Edmonton tank tour was cancelled.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Oilers View Post
I would love to see your tank and learn how things are done. Too bad you are so so far away and the Edmonton tank tour was cancelled.
Why not start the Edmonton one up again yourself? Thats all I did. The founder of the PG Tank Tour only organized it for the first two years while she had a commercial interest in it. Once she closed her business the Tank Tour would have ceased to exist as well but I stepped in, grabbed her contact list and began coordinating it myself. At one time we had as many as 30 people show up to a tank showing but these days we're lucky to get 15. But its the same 15 people we've grown to know well over the last few years. Occasionally a newbie joins in with a bunch of questions which is great. But its just as much fun to sit back with some familiar faces to swap fish stories and see how everyones tank has progressed over the past year.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
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Old 02-26-2013, 03:12 AM
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House for sale, tank potentially included! Here are some pictures of George's aquarium from this weekend.

Doug's reef tank showing is next on Sunday March 10 and then thats it for another year. Bring on the sunny warm weather, spring is around the corner! Just as soon as this snow fall warning passes...

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
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The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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Old 03-08-2013, 12:42 AM
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The PG Free Press was nice enough to do another article on our Tank Tour and this time they even gave us the front page!

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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Old 03-11-2013, 03:00 AM
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Thanks to the story in the Free Press we had a really good turnout today with nearly 20 people showing up almost all at once. It was a great way to cap off the tank tour for another year. Here are some pictures of Doug's tank this time around.

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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