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Old 02-13-2013, 01:24 AM
SharkBait48 SharkBait48 is offline
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Default Copperband help question, has a bump...

So I have had my CBBF for 3 days now I got him to start eating but I came home today and checked him out to find a white bump on him. It looks like a grain of salt embedded on him, Syst like...

Hope I can get some clarity really wanting him at full health
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Old 02-13-2013, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by SharkBait48 View Post
So I have had my CBBF for 3 days now I got him to start eating but I came home today and checked him out to find a white bump on him. It looks like a grain of salt embedded on him, Syst like...

Hope I can get some clarity really wanting him at full health
Uh-oh. Grain of salt sounds like an ich description but you would normally see a lot more than one bump. Not always though. Is he in your Display tank or QT? If he's in qt no need to panick just treat him, if he's in your display I would act sooner than later and stick him in qt and start treating. If you wait until it gets worse, those copper bands are touchy and you may lose him
Patience is key in the hobby of reef keeping. All you can do is wait, and wait, rip your hair out, and then wait some more.
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Old 02-13-2013, 06:06 PM
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You will probably lose the CCB.

When will stores stop carrying them? Not until we as reefers accept the fact that this fish is not suitable to aquariums?

So tired of this thread over and over by reefer after reefer. People buy it then ask questions.

YES. Some people are successful. Most are not.

As the above said. Hopefully it's in a QT where you can treat it and attempt to extend its life a little.

Good luck. Hope it's not another dead CCB thread.

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Last edited by paddyob; 02-13-2013 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 02-13-2013, 06:18 PM
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Old 02-13-2013, 09:18 PM
jjntm jjntm is offline
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Most CBB's Come with flukes, which doesn't sound like what yours has... but hopefully you can get it into a QT and dose PraziPro... Keep a close eye on it... and after 15 mins or so gently brush it with a turkey baster with a fine point... and squirt it a few times... see if it detaches... if it has flukes look for the CBB to show u signs like they would to a cleaner shrimp by giving dark spot signals to where flukes are... it was pretty neat when I first got my CBB and treated it before putting it into the display...

80%+ of all CBB's in stores have flukes and need to be treated before putting them in your tank. This is usually the cause of CBB death and as easy as it is to treat, not many ppl seem to know about this... I just wish LFS's would step up and treat them all individually before selling them, or just STOP BRINGING THEM IN! Or even better yet, only bring them in via special orders and only to those that have done their proper research before buying them. (not meaning any offense to the originial OP,) I understand impulse buying we have all been guilty of it at one point or another but the LFS's should train their staff better to avoid these situations.

Here are a couple of pics of my healthy CBB going on a year in my tank now...

Last edited by jjntm; 02-13-2013 at 09:22 PM.
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