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Old 01-15-2013, 05:47 PM
axe_man16 axe_man16 is offline
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Default Golden Retriever


This is not fish related but I am looking for a good Golden Retriever breeder in the Edmonton area. I am sure someone here either has one or knows someone who breeds them. There are a few that I found by simple Google search but would like to get a few more. Also what was your experience with them and if you would recommend them.

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Old 01-15-2013, 08:01 PM
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I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 01-15-2013, 10:20 PM
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Wonderful dogs, easy to train (for the most part) but not very bright.....they fit most of the blonde jokes that are floating out there

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Old 01-15-2013, 10:38 PM
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Relatively nice dogs, dumb as previously pointed out. Most of the retrievers I know or have known have all had issues with their tails being complete and utter tools of destruction. I've also known a lot (~5 dogs) who've been put down early in their lives years 6 and under. Not sure if its a breed thing or not, but worth checking into.

You could try the golden retriever club, for more info. Granted I haven't lived in Edmonton for around 5 years, but I think there used to be a breed specific rescue in the area as I often saw volunteers walking retrievers of all ages in the off leash parks. Might want to check them out too, or maybe the humane society as well.

Good luck, hope you find the right dog for you.
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Old 01-15-2013, 11:18 PM
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Not sure where the previous posters are getting there info from, but

Golden retreverses rank up in the top for smarts. In no way are they a dumb dog, but one issue you do need to be prepared for is they develop later. By this I don't mean physically but mentally as in maturity. You basically end up with a 60 something lb puppy for 3 to 5 years . In my case a 72 lb 3 year old puppy.

Very easy to train till they Figure out how to play you

But even then they learn new tricks and such very quickly. Very good with other dogs, did I mention all they want to do is play for 3 to 5 years.... very good with kids. Like being active but happy to lay around when they get older... mine isn't there yet....

You do need to be very picky where you buy them from as improper breeding brings out a few issues with them like hip problems, alergys, etc... as for breeders I don't know any in Edmonton but the one I got mine from in kamloops here has people coming from the US and all over to buy puppies when she has them. She won't breed a girl till she is over 2 and she limits litters. Not in it to get rich but rather because she shows and loves the dogs.

I have three friends that live in my area that have golden and know 4 other people in town that have them. All have experienced the same things I have.

Take your time research breeders, go visit the kennels and see how the dogs are kept. If they won't give you a tour take them off your list. Also you want to see both parents. When I went to look at mine the grandma, great grandma, and mom lived there ans dad was 1 mile away with a friend that helps he with her boarding business and is a breeder himself. I also got full pedigrees of both parents and such. Now you may ask why when your just looking for a pet. I also signed an agreement that I can't breed my guy, but the pedigrees and family trees tells you how long the ancestors lived and if there were any genetic issues in the lines. So when your looking registration numbers of both parents are important. A good breeder will have the family tree printed out for you to view or show you on the computer. If not ask about it.

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Old 01-15-2013, 11:23 PM
axe_man16 axe_man16 is offline
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We have friends that have a couple of goldens and they may be the smartest dogs I know. They are not guard dogs but very loyal and willing to please. Dogs can only be trained as much as the owner is able to train them. They do love to wag their tails tho, which is always a concern but one that can be adjusted to.

I have looked up on grcab and talked to a few of the people there. Still looking for more tho. What is a fair price for a registered purebred? Most are $1200, which seems steep to me.
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Old 01-15-2013, 11:25 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Relatively nice dogs, dumb as previously pointed out. Most of the retrievers I know or have known have all had issues with their tails being complete and utter tools of destruction. I've also known a lot (~5 dogs) who've been put down early in their lives years 6 and under. Not sure if its a breed thing or not, but worth checking into.
That's all bad breading. Mine docent knock over anything with his tail. Most of the time it is down, not knowing as big tail wagers like Brads dog

As for when they had to be put down that is well below the average and yes Is bad breeding. Big dogs do have shorter life's but I have found you should get at least 10 to 12 years out of a good dog. But some of my Kona's ancestors ranges up to 14 years with only a couple under 10.

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Old 01-15-2013, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by axe_man16 View Post

I have looked up on grcab and talked to a few of the people there. Still looking for more tho. What is a fair price for a registered purebred? Most are $1200, which seems steep to me.
I paid 1k and as you go towards van it goes up to 1.5 so 1.2 around Edmonton doesn't seam unreasonable although I would have expected higher
*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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Old 01-15-2013, 11:34 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
That's all bad breading. Mine docent knock over anything with his tail. Most of the time it is down, not knowing as big tail wagers like Brads dog

As for when they had to be put down that is well below the average and yes Is bad breeding. Big dogs do have shorter life's but I have found you should get at least 10 to 12 years out of a good dog. But some of my Kona's ancestors ranges up to 14 years with only a couple under 10.

Bad breeding and bad feeding will reduce a dog's life drastically. I've never trained a golden retriever so I can't comment but I've never seen a dog yet that can't be decently trained to be a good family pet as long as the owners aren't lazy and actually put an effort in. Super friendly dogs to have and I hope you find and enjoy your new pet!
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Old 01-15-2013, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
. Most of the time it is down, not knowing as big tail wagers like Brads dog
She's excitable, that's all

I don't agree on seeing both parents. Someone with a good bitch should breed to the best stud they can, even if it's an out of town dog. For me, someone owning both dogs is a warning bell for backyard breeder.
Not saying you won't get a great dog out of it, but if you're paying that kind of money, you should get the best possible breeding.
My female Border Collie's sire is out of the Sask, but a quality working sheep dog with trial history to prove it. Bred to a local dog with equal history in trialing.

If I were looking for a GR, I'd look at working lines.
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