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Old 01-11-2013, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
And the first?
Don't even wanna go there today Besides, it might derail this Tang thread.
Old 01-11-2013, 08:59 PM
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i have fish in a 25g.....

that is all:P
Old 01-11-2013, 09:24 PM
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WHeeeee! Where is that smily face that beats a dead horse? Ahhh here we go

I've had a purple tang in my 120gal since 2006, its the only tang in there and I won't add second one to that tank. For some reason its highly aggressive towards my snowflake moray and initially beat up on the CBB that I bought in 2008. Removing the tang from the tank for a week allowed the CBB to settle in but it never has warmed up the the eel.

Both of my tangs (there is a powder blue in my 140gal frag tank) came from people who were shutting down. If you consider that the alternative would have been a long and possibly fatal stay at Total Pet I think I've given them a good home. Oh and I guess I could mention that the purple tang cost me $50 since that was apparently the real purpose of this thread.
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Old 01-11-2013, 09:51 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
you are self entitled aren't you?
I hate to say it, but you have absolutely no right to control what someone else does with their money if they are not buying directly from you.

This is one of the most self righteous things I have ever seen or read.

Naesco should be proud.
And I am because there is a chance that the purple tang will not be purchased and killl some other fish in his tank. It is his decision alone and I hope he considers the tang first.

Look, sometimes I may go overboard on what I see, in my opinion, as an unethical practise.

I have condemned LFS both on this board and at the LFS for bringing in fish like Moorish Idols.

Poor judgment is another issue. Some reefers take advice/criticism on this board and make the decision to do the right thing and postpone their purchase.

However some reefers with an attitude just do what they want regardless of the adivise or cautions of others.

It has been my experience that the ones with attitude quidkly come and go on this board because eventually they will have a major disaster and quit the hobby. The others will enjoy there tanks and the crittters therein for a very long time.
Old 01-11-2013, 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted by chevyjaxon View Post
so I was wanting to add one of these guys to my 90g I have a kole and a convict tang in there atm no fighting, just a little chasing. since this guy is NOT con specific I know it will be ok. what I want to know is what is a fair price to pay for a small purple tang?
Originally Posted by chevyjaxon View Post
I started this thread not to rile the tang police but instead to find out what is a fair price is for this particular fish.
I'm 99% sure if you just posted the price question, everything would be fine... But, it really sounds like you were poking for some reassurance that it would be a good decision.

I've seen peoples tanks packed with seemingly happy and healthy fish, but they truly care for them and provide the best care possible. I've also seen people put fish together that do not belong, some get lucky and some don't. Everything I've read here points to a couple of very basic things.

1. Any tang should be provided as much swimming space as possible. When you start cooping up several larger tangs together, is when it becomes an ethical problem. What's the limit? Who knows...

2. Adding a purple tang is a risk to your current fish. Some people are more lucky than others, but for the most part they are aggressive. Everyone here has taken some sort of risk when new additions hit the tank. I'd just say keep an eye on your tank and take corrective action if required.

$100 is a great deal... It's your money, but be happy that people are trying to share their experience to help you make an educated decision.
Old 01-11-2013, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
So plan to move up a couple of feet to a 6 footer and add tangs to your hearts content.
Man these posts drive me nuts. Buy a 6 foot tank and then you can add a whole bunch of them there tangs! How does adding a measly 45 gallons then mean you can have a whole bunch of tangs but a person shouldn't have any in a 90?

You used to own the smallest 6 foot tank a person can buy i think. 135 gallons and it was a BULLNOSE to boot so technically it averages out to a little less than 6 feet. Not to mention it was a narrow tank at only 18 inches. You had multiple tangs... and a tang that gets massive and nearly always murderous in the case of the sohal.

- regal tang
- sohal tang
- purple tang
- acanthuus pyroferus

Give it a rest already. I'm sure you've annoyed more people into buying the suspect tang than steered people clear.

My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
Old 01-11-2013, 10:25 PM
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I've had a purple tang in my 120gal since 2006, its the only tang in there and I won't add second one to that tank. For some reason its highly aggressive towards my snowflake moray
Sorry to Hyjack the thread a bit but i'm still in the process of stocking my 120g and want to add a tang and I have been trying to decide between a Purple and a Sailfin tang. I currenly have a snowflake that's around 13 inches. how aggressive is your purple to the snowfalke whatcaneyedo? would i be looking at long term heartache with a purple and a snowflake together?

also is there a good tang thread that i can read? i keep finding conflicting info about the sailfin and don't know if i should consider it.
Old 01-11-2013, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by seapony View Post
Sorry to Hyjack the thread a bit but i'm still in the process of stocking my 120g and want to add a tang and I have been trying to decide between a Purple and a Sailfin tang. I currenly have a snowflake that's around 13 inches. how aggressive is your purple to the snowfalke whatcaneyedo? would i be looking at long term heartache with a purple and a snowflake together?

also is there a good tang thread that i can read? i keep finding conflicting info about the sailfin and don't know if i should consider it.
The moray often travels through the tang's preferred area during feeding time which irritates the tang. It will threaten the moray by swatting at it with its tail but has never caused any damage that I could see. The moray is barely bothered by this most of the time but I think they would be happier together with a larger tank to give each of them more territory. My intension is to give them a 5'x3'x'2 tank one day, just not in the house where I currently live.

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Old 01-11-2013, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
And I am because there is a chance that the purple tang will not be purchased and killl some other fish in his tank. It is his decision alone and I hope he considers the tang first.

Look, sometimes I may go overboard on what I see, in my opinion, as an unethical practise.

I have condemned LFS both on this board and at the LFS for bringing in fish like Moorish Idols.

Poor judgment is another issue. Some reefers take advice/criticism on this board and make the decision to do the right thing and postpone their purchase.

However some reefers with an attitude just do what they want regardless of the adivise or cautions of others.

It has been my experience that the ones with attitude quidkly come and go on this board because eventually they will have a major disaster and quit the hobby. The others will enjoy there tanks and the crittters therein for a very long time.
Look you bleeding heart...
If you feel so strongly about this, you shouldnt have an aquarium at all.
This hobby is horrible for the environment and the animals that you purport to care so much for.

ANY animal you pull out of the ocean is going to live a more stressed, unhealthier, shorter life than it would in the wild.

Even if splitting splitting hairs makes you feel's just a feeling.

f you want to be an activist, don't be a reefer.

And another thing, while I have seen some pretty lame statements under your name, equating success in reefing to attitude tops them all.
Just because you feel like you have some good advice to offer, doesn't really mean you do.

here's some light reading for ya..

Last edited by gobytron; 01-11-2013 at 11:15 PM.
Old 01-11-2013, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by chevyjaxon View Post
so I was wanting to add one of these guys to my 90g I have a kole and a convict tang in there atm no fighting, just a little chasing. since this guy is NOT con specific I know it will be ok. what I want to know is what is a fair price to pay for a small purple tang?
When I got my purple tang 3 years ago he was $80. Since then I've noticed their prices have gone up and fluctuate quite a bit. Speaking with a few LFS I've heard that they are getting increasingly difficult and more expensive to get in. They can range from $100 to upwards of $200 depending on where they are coming from.
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